All couples are different, and, all people are different.
Its how you deal with the differences thats the make or break.
Some people are happy to change and be whoever their partner wants them to be, some can keep that up. But most often eventually the resentment will set in.
When you have differences, you need to both work out what you can cope with, and how you can meet in the middle.
So maybe you can choose a night a week where you make a concious effort to have "couple time", where you sit down together and talk about your day, relax, cuddle on the sofa together, and make an effort to go up to bed togther. You might find that you feel better connected with him for doing it, and he will appreciate you being more affectionate.
I know from experience with my OH, that when we let our work lives take over, we dont acknowledge each other when we get in, barely talk over dinner, then i go to bed at 10, and he comes up hours later... and we both end up feeling distant and unsettled. Just making myself take the time to go and give him a hug, reconnects us, and we feel alot better.
So, no, you dont have to be a yes woman, but neither does he have to be a yes man. Just both try and work out how to give a little.
Its one of those things that comes with time and experience, and for him it sounds like he hasnt had alot of experience in knowing how to stay true to himself without eventually feeling he is doing all the giving. And for you, with everything that has happened, and the changes, and that the relationship is still relatively new, you havent had time to adjust to being part of a 2, nearly three!