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a bad day after all

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Joy11 | 14:38 Wed 06th May 2009 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
Started of well, sunny in Gods country, joined in with the ABer set (the in-crowd) life was good, and thennnnn Bl00dY council worker on his quad bike "thingy" was outside my daughters house up the road, cutting the grass, when a stone flew up and shattered one of the panels in their almost new double glazing, it wasn't the lads fault, but when I phoned the council I was told to tell my daughter and son in-law they would have to get 2 estimates and fill in copious amounts of forms, they asked me "Is it council property/" No, I replied, well this could be difficult she said, whyyyy We would have had to secure the property if it had of been. Bl00dy Cheek !!!


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why was he a bl0ody council worker??
He wasn't an ordinary one then?
Question Author
it should be bl00dy council--------worker, the anger was aimed at them not the lad, not his fault as I said ,,!!
hello Joy, similar thing happened to us, there is a green outside our house and the council man was mowing the lawn and hit a stone which shot across and smashed our car window.

the council didnt want to know when we told them, but admitted they did it but said it was an accident, so wouldnt be held responsible.

so we were out of pocket for something that was someone elses mistake...
poor boy. I bet he was mortified.

agree with you about the council though.
Joy... start drinking heavily... the day will get better...
afc you're joking.........accident!!............I'd have asked to see the risk assessment they carried out before doing the job and when they couldn't produce it I'd bloody summons them.....
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Hi jan, how are you love ?
Yes, I suppose he was Dina, We know him and his wife, and he is a lovely fella, he couldn't help it, but the council,,grr
craft... see what I got up there ^^ lol ;-))
mmm aussi......
hi Joy I am ok thanx, hope u r too apart from your bad day.

Craft I never thought of that, do u think it is too late to do something now, it was a few months ago. if it is too late I will remember that one in future.

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I'm with craft jan, draft a letter to them, keep a couple of copies, have you still got the repair bill ?
if you have , put a claim in to them
thanx Guys will give it a try. will let you know how it goes.
well afc I think it's worth the price of a stamp but really you need impartial statements and photographs. I'd write and say that you've taken advice......ask about the risk assessment.....(no such thing as an accident you know) and ask for their insurers details.
This is a genuine question as I don't know the answer.
could this event be pursued through the house insurance company ?
Afternoon Joy
Did the lad admit liability ? - if not the council might try and worm their way out of it.

We had a cloudy morning here in Essex, but I have just drove back from my Mums in London and the sun has come out with such force, my arm, on the window side, has got sunburnt !!

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I think this would be a case of one passing the buck to each other
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Hi DEN, how are you pet?
Yes he did poor lamb, so it's the 2 estimates that have really annoyed my daughter and her hubby, getting a bit cloudy now up here in GC, just in time for the school -pick-up, by 3-15 it will be pouring,,lol
How many grandchildren do you have Joy ?

(I am assuming you do mean grandchildren on the school run - or did you have another child late in life?) ha ha ha
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just one little boy,(Ben) he is nearly 5, he was born very prem. at 26 weeks,
I can't remember what life was like before him,,,smiles
arrr - I bet he is your pride and joy - Joy.

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a bad day after all

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