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swimming pool water

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wallyboots | 13:52 Thu 07th May 2009 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
How unwell are you likely to get if you swallow a good few mouthfuls of pool water - chlorinated, what reactions could you have?


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Reactions?.....spluttering and coughing.......that is all.
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it wasn't breathed, it was properly swallowed. i just thought that it might result in upset stomach, vomiting etc but wasn't sure of chemical reactions in the stomach ie excess acid, or if the solution in pool water is very weak so as not to be a worry.
No problems at all wallyboots.
Depends on how much pee is in it, you could die!
just jokin, im sure youl be fine
Hi wallyboots

When playing with our children in our pool, we swallow more water than you can imagine, and we're still around! Sqad said just spluttering and coughing!
At worst, slight tum ache that will quickly pass.

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thanks very much all, we'll try not to think too much about the pee!!
When I swum my 2 mile badge when I was a kid I think I swallowed most of the pool! I was ok though. I was a bit sick but I think that was from just the sheer amount of water I swallowed! It won't do you no harm at all.

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swimming pool water

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