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Most painful thing ever

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OBonio | 13:14 Fri 19th Nov 2004 | Body & Soul
45 Answers
Having been sat on the toilet the last 5 days with food poisoning, I'm thinking of placing the accompanying cramps in my top 3 most painful things I've experienced in life so far. This is the current standing :

1. Cluster headache
2. Bowel cramps from food poisoning
3. Removal of packing from pilonidal sinus wound

What are other AB'ers experiences?


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  • Post-op pain after having my partially impacted lower wisdom teeth removed.

I had to have the bone around them removed first, which was nice. One was taken out by my friend's flatmate (don't panic, she was a trainee oral surgeon!) and, embarrasingly, her 'side' was by far the worst.  The lower half of my face swelled up to 4-5 times it's normal size and stayed there for days.  I was on painkillers every two hours and it still hurt like hell.  The bright side though, is that once they were removed, the gum around them stopped getting infected and then passing the infection on to my tonsils.  Thus killing two birds with one stone!

  • Nasty tonsillitis (with bonus cysts)

Absolutely horrible.

  •  Proper, full blown flu (not just a 'man-cold'!)

The aches and shakes were shockingly painful, luckily, I got some partial relief after the first few days when my legs went completely numb.  Of course, then I started worrying that I was going to die!

Mine was when I had a dodgy mole and wanted it removed the removal was painless but I had to have a very long needle put up my spine to numb it and it was sheer agony.
My dad trapped my finger in a train door when I was 7 years old.  It was one of those slam door trains and I screamed so loud and I cried so much at the time I thought I was dying. It bled like nothing I have seen before. And I was completely traunatised by it - I hate trains now.

Campylobacta Food Poisoning - just like Bunny.  It was the worse pain and illness I have ever experienced.  All my joints were inflamed and so painful I just lay and cried.  I would have been quite happy for the doctor to put me down. 

Also an epidural went wrong when I was in labour and the needle was put in the wrong place and sent my left leg into an excrutiating spasm - far worse than labour pains.


The migraines I experience pale into insignificance after the above.

*GAB Indie and FP*  I have had soul destroying back pain from which I thought I would die.  However, I think the worst pain and trauma was from a quinsy in my throat.
I'm amazed at the variety of painful incidents people have had! My list is - tonselectomy plus uvula and soft pallate removal unbelievanble pain, neuralgia - I actually cried, circumcision, fragment of broken tooth dropped into cavity and nestled against the nerve - rendered me unable to walk, twisted vertabrae - serious pain for about five years, nothing much since!

I forgot about my cervical spondolitis with trapped nerves, agonising at times, two broken toes, a broken elbow which the radiographer insisted on bending even further to do the Xray, whilst I almost bit through my lip with the pain. 

GAB  Indie Singer and Brawburd

Having a boob lump aspirated & biopsy taken. It was like having a demented wasp drilling through my knocker with a red hot poker!

this beats the lot of them! Ok its not actually my injury but it happened to a mate............i'll get straight to the point............he once dislocated his leg and as the paramedics popped it back in, my mate went into turned out that when they popped it back in.........his testicle got caught in the joint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
definitely kidney stones, had them twice now, also muscle spasms in back, thet just lock you up completely

Hearing all your migraine stories, I thought I'd tell you about an amazing treatment I've just been prescribed.I was getting migraines that would wipe me out for days & were ruining my life really.

It's called Almogran. You just take 1 pill when you feel a migraine starting,and it's worked for me every single time! It's not a painkiller, in fact I've no idea how it works but I've cut my use of powerful painkillers down to practically nothing & it doesn't seem to have any side effects on me. Flippin amazing stuff!

I've got a pretty high pain threshold, but one episode that stands out in my mind was when I came down with pericarditis - inflammation of the pericardium, the thin layer of specialized tissue that covers the outer surfaces of the heart.  (I have Lupus, and pericarditis is an occasional manifestation.)  I had just had a two-day bout of the flu, and was starting to feel better, when I suddenly felt a tightness in my chest.  The tightness turned to pain, then excruciating pain.  Every time I inhaled, I thought I'd either throw up or pass out (it felt good to exhale, though).  I couldn't sit up straight; leaning forward relieved the pain slightly.  I had never felt that bad before, and I remember sitting, hunched over,  in the waiting room at the ER, involuntarily moaning with each inhalation.  They had to run a battery of tests first to rule out other conditions, and finally gave me a strong anti-inflammatory.  Exactly 45 minutes later I was able to sit up without pain, and I felt much better a few hours later that day. 

I've had tooth abcess which was excrutiatingly painful, and the dentist did a root canal filling on it and gave me a course of antibiotics. The filling wasn't painful but the abcess was.

Also, I had a fungal infection in the ear which gave me the second worst pain in my life. I was given a course of antibiotics and had my ear syringed as well. Felt great relief after it.

Third of all - as bad as the tooth ache but in the stomach this time, I got horrendous stomach cramps that left me writhing with pain on the floor. It went off by itself after about an hour. Don't know what it was but thought I was going to die.

when my husband told me he had met someone else and was leaving me, 5 years later and it still hurts like hell

Post No. 3


Ovarian Cysts - being rushed into hospital in severe pain, which was with suspected appendicitis, having that removed, but then them finding it wasn't that after all, but cysts on the ovary, which they dispersed! In hospital for a week.


Broken Finger - My husband pressed the key fob locking all car the doors, not realising that at that split second, I'd completely shut my little finger in the passenger door! The pain was excruiating. I nearly passed out & as I was covered in blood, my husband rushed me to A&E instead of going to the January sales!


Also glenis - I do feel for you, there is nothing like emotional pain glenis.

PEORID PAINS!!! and I once fell onto a hard floor when my mate pulled the chair away which i was about to sit on. I hurt my Coxis (The bone you sit on) and had 2 take a blow up cusion round with me for about a month. It was also very embarassing having everyone saying you have hurt your ass bone.
Going to A&E and having a broken elbow straightened so they could X-Ray it.  Apparently you could hear my screams right round the hospital.

I can't think of many right now but having 6 local anaesthetic injections in my hand when they had to stitch it was surprisingly agonising although the gorgeous A&E doctor in attendance stopped me from being a baby! 


Also every few months I used to get an attack of acidosis which meant I basically couldn't eat at all or sleep for a week at a time and it's a bit like chinese water torture for the constant pain.

Did you see my first posting on hear Apricot!  They did the same to me - bl**dy evil radiographers!!!!

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