confused and sad part 2 in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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confused and sad part 2

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sophie30 | 19:05 Sat 16th Jan 2010 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
I then said dont text me anymore at the end of the day im trying to accept whats happened too and your not helping your getting me down, he relied saying that he was sorry and that he is finding it hard bing without me and not coming home to me and ended it with I promise I wont text you again, I then said if your not prepared to change it then leave it alone you shouldnt be talking to me about your feelings........since then not a word from him, this was hours ago. He is confusing me, I dont know what he wants...any ideas whats goin on here as im lost
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as far asi can see what is going on is that he has complied with your wishes and stopped texting you.
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Ok......but why share his feelings with me, he knows how much I love him and would love 4 there to be a resolution?
what I don't understand is why you didn't post part 2 under part 1, as an answer to part 1.

it would be so much easier to have and follow everything in one place.
I am a great believer in action speaks louder than words. If he really loved you he would have come to your home you could have talked he would tell you how much he loved you and you could have kissed and made love afterwards. But instead you have received hollow words. There was somehting you felt about your relationship that was wrong, and I think intuitively, you ended it before he did.

From the little bit you have said about yourself I believe you would take his hand if he offered it. But it takes two to make a relationship, and I dont think you have anything to beat yourself up about.
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zbearspirit, How very true, I didnt look at it like that...feel as if he is playing games
I have to say you both sound very young and immature, and maybe a split (short or long-term) would be beneficial.
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There is a game being played here, you dumped him and thats what is bugging him so now he is trying to twist it round as if he has dumped you, Pathetic,
You'll hurt yes for a while but you'll get over him its not worth making yourself ill over. Close that door and open the one that leads down another avenue. Tell yourself to be strong and you will be....
Are you demanding your man give up his music & gigs for you?
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No not demanding that he gives anything up! I wouldnt do that, just to ton it down a bit really I suppose, but the thing that got to me the most is that he was planning on doing all these gigs, abroad as well, what with his athletics and going away for weekends 4 that as well, and when I mentioned that I had been invited to an 80;s butlins weekend he went mad telling me if I went he would leave!!! Which is not fair considering all his plans.....I suppose I just wanted some compromise
He's obviously a totally selfish bustard and you're well shot of him - don't get back together on ANY account. There are plenty of nicer people out there.
i understnd how you feel - ive just ended a 9 year relationship, i love him and he loves me but there wasnt enough comprimise, or trust. sometimes love isnt enough. and the past 3 weeks have been up and down, one min we r not contacting for 6 days, the next he wants to talk but i dont then the nex vice versa. very very hard. all i can say is try keep busy and things wil pass, whether thats you staying awayfrom himm or getting back together.

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