What do others think about the 'Avatar's? I tend to think they look untidy, all these little pics in a row?
mmmm! I'm not sure whether I really want one if I keep the one AB gave me in the end I'll be the only one with it soo I won't need to change.
I don't mind 'em really PB, I wanted to see others reaction but there's been v/little. I'll get round to it in the end just got to find me a good'un like yours.
My first ever avatar!
Though the jellybaby people are cute and tidy,its a chance to show your 'other' self and give people an idea as to if you are funny,silly,creative,etc
Stops me craving jellybabies though!
I like the avatars, you can identify the Ab ers better; now that we have one I suspect that some will be changing their pictures quite often. I've got another one lined up but It took me ages to get this one on so it will be me for a while yet.