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Question for Sqad please

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netibiza | 08:19 Mon 14th Jun 2010 | Body & Soul
22 Answers
Having read the papers which says some BP meds may increase cancer risk, can you tell me if Coaprovel is and ACE inhibitor or an ARB - many thanks


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so what's with the fish and tomatoes??? how do they help with high blood pressure? i eat a lot of tomatoes anyway, most lunch times and maybe 2 or 3 times a week as part of our evening meal one way or another. fish i'm not so keen on but i do try to make sure we eat it at least once, maybe twice, a week, either salmon steaks or cod in breadcrumbs. also have tinned tuna and salmon every week too, in sandwiches.
think i just need to do more exercise and eat less, could do with losing a bit of weight too (she says, sitting here sipping a glass of chilled petit chablis). chin chin :)
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Throw that glass away immediately (in this direction). Don't know really about the fish and toms but whenever I am slightly high (ha ha not like in the old days) I wrap some fish (merluza in spanish) in greaseproof paper add tinned or sliced toms a few onions lot of coriander leaves and cook in microwave, its quite revolting but I feel as though I've done well, all in the mind I guess! Take care, I've lost 4 kilos in 2weeks more to go though!!

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