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curing an obsession

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mollykins | 18:45 Sun 15th Aug 2010 | Body & Soul
167 Answers
Hiw do you cure someone with an obsession?


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Molly-I have no doubt that if you are a typical teenage girl,you are sometimes hell to live with. I also am not surprised that you seem to think your parents can do nothing right. I've been there and done that. My daughter-she is now 24-absolutely despised me and her dad when we made some choices that were right for us as a family. Even if we had not...she would have found things to hate us for or be miserable about....that's life.
Now...why can't you get a job?? is it because of where you are? Is it difficult to get to a larger town where you could get part time work? can you do things locally such as baby sitting or dog-walking? There are always things you could do to earn a bit of pocket money. if not....if there are NO local jobs...and you can show your parents evidence...then you need to discuss with them some arrangement whereby you can earn a bit so you can do some things that YOU want to do.
It's no good complaining to us....your parents are what ever they are. Until you can leave-you need to find ways to make the best of things. And please....never assume that because your parents do not do what YOU think they should, that that means they do not love you.
Make sure he buys a boat with a kitchen - only you call it a galley on the water.
I personally think your problems are within, and don't really have anything to do with your family. You stated that you take 'hormone tablets' and will fly off the handle at people for saying things to you. I get the feeling that this is not only for people online, you are probably very snappy at home. And for someone who sometimes seems very smart and mature, you can be extremely childish.
If you'd like to get a job, wait for a few weeks until the university students go back, and you'll find much better openings.
Or, if you must move out, you could get a job with training, like accountancy or care work.
Life is hard Molly I'm afraid, and there is no two ways around it. You must stop feeling like life owes you a better deal, as there will be always someone worse off than you. And in a few years time, you will look back and think 'what on earth was I thinking/doing?'
As for your dad, I look at cars and houses to buy, almost everyday. I have no money, my husband has to pay to go back to university, and I've got to somehow afford to rent a flat along with be a full-time university student. Doesn't mean that I'm going to stop wishing everyday that I could have a beautiful house and a brand new car.
If we did not have these kinds of wishes, then we would have nothing to work for, or any kind of drive.
You have a wish of going to college, you probably have a wish like I do, to have a nice house, a nice car when you begin to drive. A lovely partner/husband, with no problems. It doesn't happen I'm sorry to tell you. Life is about compromise, and you must think, my dad has his dreams, and so do I. Just because his dreams are not the same as mine, doesn't make them any less.
And the comment about your father is very sad, and I have no doubt in my mind that it is not the truth and you well know it!
He might not like you all the time, same as you won't like him. But that would never mean that he doesn't love you.
And I hope you are telling the truth about abuse, because that is a horrible thing to lie about, and no one should have to go through it. If you are telling the truth about it, then you should speak to someone like childline or social services or someone at your college/school who can help or counsel you.
Maybe you could join in and look at the boats and you and your mother could pick your favourites and list them in order and make believe as well.If it turns into a game maybe it will get boring or be obviously a dreaming session.
You are a brat. A nasty selfish brat.

My kids don't get pocket money. Does that make me a bad mother? No..

They are expected to do chores. That's not me being's called family life.
You don't get pocket money? A lot of kids don't, that's not abuse

Do you get clothes? Sea cadets? Holidays? Trips with see cadets? How do you think that gets paid for?

What happened to the idea of selling your paintings? Applying for jobs?
Her Mum probably pays for it from Molly's bank account....

I don't know why we bother answering. She'll just come back with pathetic excuses.
I just love these posts!
My kids have never got pocket money as such, but they have clothes on their backs and food on the table....guess what? Shock horror...some of it they don't like!!!
My Dad had an obsession...he spent thousands on gadgets and cameras...hey but he's dead now so I don't have to worry about that!
I like to look on the internet at things I can't afford...mmmmm....holidays!!!
I don't particularly like my daughter and guess why....she's an ungrateful brat he is all me me me me!
Sound familiar?
Btw Childlines number is 0800 1111.

Lisa x
16 years old? my ar$e..
how do you cure a pain in the ar$ekins??
I'm off to give my mother some abuse for not giving me pocket money yesterday haha
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umm but, say you or your spouse didn't work cos they can't be arsed, would you still make your children do more around the house than you or your spouse.

Chocolat i don't tell you the half of it.

I work hard for the cadets to get my trips paid for. I did bag packing several days over christmas to get enough money to pay for my trips.

There are no jobs I can do in the area. Apparantly i'm not good enough at art so i can't do that. I have a bad foot so i can't do dog walking much.

Red, the only new clothes I get, are from my birthday and christmas money. Holidays ae normally cheap camping things or staying with family. Which I have to pay towards.
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Plus this is the first time i've taken these tablets, so they haven't affected previous posts.
i thought that your birthday money went into the account that you have no access to?

if life is really that difficult for you then i suggest that you speak to social services about how you may be able to move into a childrens hostel or home. I have a friend who did that at 14 and im sure she could tell you what she had to put up with at home for the hostel option to be the wisest choice.
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Red I meant vouchers I get and sometimes a bit of cash (before it goes into the account) aswell if i don't get many vouchers.
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But this sin't what i asked about, I asked how you can cure an obsession.
try aversion therapy, every time he look at a boat or talks about it get the dog to bite him on the knackers're a pathetic wingebag. I've said to you your age I had two jobs. On top of those two jobs I had to do chores...chores are part of family life.

You have no respect and if you were my daughter I'd be ashamed of you.
i think that we have just changed the obsession.

Leave your dad be, its just a pipe dream, sounds like he needs something in his life to look forward to
With a daughter like Molly and a lazy wife...who can blame him..!!!
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yeah umm, well I have to cope with a tonne of chores, bullying, several genetic conditions that affect my daily life, and all the nagging and pressure etc etc from my parents.

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