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Hitting 40!

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boona | 18:02 Mon 30th Aug 2010 | Body & Soul
50 Answers
I will be hitting 40 in a few weeks and Im feeling quiet anxious, sometimes a little sad that life is passing me by so quickly! Is it just me or do most people feel like that when they are nearing a birthday?


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I guess I wont know till I'm old lol
I trust that will be a long way off 4get. Hindsight - 'tis a wonderful thing - if only it came first ☺
I cant answer that as what is old??
Alex - your granddaughter is astute beyond her years
ttfn it must run in the family(ha ha)
simply put 4get - today is older than yesterday. July is older than June and so on. I don't believe the various stages of one's life are comparable - I see them as mere seasons (each of them so individual covering different elements) - you need all 4 to make up the year, and all stages that we have survived make up our lives.
This perhaps says it better than I 4get Enter URL
Tissue? Bless you ☺
Thank you

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Hitting 40!

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