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Mistress - define

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hippyhoppy | 21:52 Thu 16th Sep 2010 | Body & Soul
120 Answers
I'm a mousey blonde, 5 5, two kids .. I always thought a mistress would be an amazonian bonde with a 'champers for lunch' life style..


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Having stayed clear of this one upto now......

Hippy... you are worth more than being a mistress... you deserve a lot more!
22:36 Fri 17th Sep 2010
Because sqad, we're all agog at your horrible attitude.

Ie, its perfectly and morally (to you) acceptable to have a good wife at homewand several (?) mistresses scattered around. You give the impression that as long as you're getting your end away you couldn't give a stuff for the feelings of any of the women in your life.
jj, hippyhoppy isn't off limits, she's available. Her man is off limits.
I've cancelled Christmas this year. Told the kids their getting nothing as I have no money.. in fact, it will be a miracle if we still have a roof over our heads...!!!
08:38 Tue 14th Sep 2010Report

^^^and her Mother recently would she cope with the Wife banging on her door?
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put yourself in his wives shoes. ............... its wrong im sorry,
jno ...

If you're a married man, other women should be off limits, shouldn't they ?
I agree with that jno...that's why I changed my first answer. Still doesn't make the fall out any easier.

<<A mistress is the same. She is, technically, off limits ... and that makes her all the more desirable.<<

I agree, but using the term "mistress" in a wide sense e.g bit on the side, it is not unusual, indeed frequently that the mistress becomes the wife, then perhaps the cycle restarts.
Why does it make no sense, Butch ?

Things that you can't have are inherently more desirable.
well, sorta, jj, but it's not him I'm advising. From hippyhoppy's position, he should be the one off limits. I sympathise with hippyhoppy having had a hard time - but i don't want to be sympathising with another woman this time next week who's having a hard time because her husband's been off on a dirty weekend with hippyhoppy.
sqad - stuck in the misogynists dilemma................

Doesn't really like women but hard-wired to seek them out. is wrong....then is it always the man´s fault that just under 40% of marriages break down and even greater number on the second marriage?

Wherever there is a mistress, she may even be married herself, there is a lover.
JTH Your excellent posts on this thread are becoming weaker and a touch vindictive.............ala JTH
Fairy Nuff, jno.

But the OP was about defining a mistress, and I think one of the defining characteristics of a mistress is the appeal of something that you shouldn't have.

It's the grown up version of the kid looking in the sweet shop window.
Steady, wouldn't want to go down the route of making a false accusation, now.........would you ?
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<<<how old are you exactly sqad?<<<

What relevance is that to my opinion on the subject?

<<Well i thought jth hit the nail firmly and accurately on the head sqad<<<

Yes, she certainly is a asset to the thread..............and so are you, by the way..
There's no really good word for it, Butch.

Mistress (Victorian, as you say)

Bit of fluff (Carry On movies)

Other woman (Jackie Collins novels)

Bit on the side (working mens' clubs)

Having an affair (Women's Institute)


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