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Old friends

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karenmac60 | 00:54 Sat 11th Dec 2010 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
I fell out with my longstanding best friend over something really stupid a few years back (or rather, she fell out with me). Lately I've been thinking a lot about her and missing the fun we used to have and I've been trying to track her down on the internet as I no longer have any contact details for her. Anyway, I found her work email and I contacted her - but I've had a few glasses of wine. Have I done the right thing????


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no harm in trying. :-) as you say, it was something stupid, you were probably angry in the heat of the moment. time has moved on, you may have had your differences but no harm in trying to figure them out. :-) hope it all goes well for you. xx
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Thanks guys - she could be a right drama queen sometimes and I just hope she won't get peed off that I contacted her at work...
Possibly. I think it would be hard to re-build the friendship as it was after such a fall out so not sure that what you're missing is actually what you'll get back... That said, I'm a hard nosed cow and there's damn well no harm in trying! :c)
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I know what you mean CD. We had a fall out a few years previously (she can't just have an argument, she has to fall out with folk completely - that said, I love her to bits) and it took us a while to get back on track, but we did and things went back to normal eventually. I don't expect us to get back to what we had - it's been 4 years, but I'd still like to have her in my life.
Just a kinda warning Karen...i contacted an old friend by her work email,and it was very obvious from her reply that it was a "template" answer...prob not her fault..and i realise that:-(
Yes - life's too short.
no harm in trying karen,
I agree with what you have done, I wish more people could swallow their pride and extend the 'olive branch' more is too short! It's due to pride that in most cases people dont talk anymore and that is really sad, too many people are scared of the word 'sorry' too.
<<<Have I done the right thing????<<<

If she replies then YES and if she doesn´t then NO.

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