If it's not bent or anything...be brave and strap it up. I broke my finger not so long ago and had it strapped at the hospital. Impatient me took the strapping off after about 4 or 5 days...big mistake.!!
Yes you should go to your doctor. I know there is not a lot they can do for a broken toe but I broke mine two years ago and didn't bother doing anything and it is now permanently bent and swollen. At least you should get it strapped up.
Depends on the break. If it's not bent or at an odd angle there is little they can do with it. Same as fingers and I've broke enough of them..!!! Strapping them makes it more comfortable and less painful.
I broke a bone in one of my toes (5th metatarsal). I went to A&E and left with crutches. Later I switched to an inflatable boot and in time it healed. It will need an X Ray to establish if anything is broken and I would get down to A&E with a good book!