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B00 | 13:43 Mon 07th Mar 2011 | Body & Soul
79 Answers
For those that have successfully quit in the past...

What do you do when it's not so much as wanting one, a craving, but more, it's what you're used to doing?

What I mean is, ive just had a brew and something to eat and it's this time i normally light a fag. I don't particularly want one for the taste, it's just because it's what i normally do, it's what I want to do- does that make sense?

Incidently, i've not had a smoke since 9 last night.


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Yeah, i love my morning one, and the ones after each meal- the rest i often said "meh, didn't want that"
I would have carried on if I could have stuck with those only
neh, no I wouldn't
I've stopped smoking for the following reasons, only;
1. No-one else in the family smokes and therefore temptation is nil;
2. I haven't gone across the road to the newsagent and bought any..............yet....:o(

I decided that I *ought* to some vague point in the future....but when I came out of hospital, was confined to bed and couldn't buy my own the opportunity presented itself. I felt I would be foolish to ignore it, so I didn't.............but I can't say I'm particularly thrilled.
so your health or budget wasn't a factor Jack?
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thats more my reasons jack, apart from confined to a bed bit!

I dont want MIni Boo growing up around a smoker, and its now very anti social, not to mention the cost. But truth be told, i do still actually enjoy somking, and not had a health scare (yet) about it, so im struggling with it.
how old were you BOO, when you first tried a fag
I was 27 yr old...
Question Author
well, about 13 when i did it sneakily, but 16 out in the open so to speak Bobbs.
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Boo....when you get bake to eating cakes they will taste better than you can imagine

any hobby that occupies your hands....crossstitch or knitting baby things
puzzle books as suggested above

or replace the habit with a better one...instead of a fag break walk round the block...
I 'was' concerned that it may have an impact on my health.....but at some point in the future.......also my Dad gave up 12 months previously (almost the same circumstances, actually - but his health was far more of a concern) and he is notoriously weak-willed, so I didn't want to be the one to tempt him back, as it were.

There is certainly less week at the end of my money than there was but I feel no 'better' healthwise..........I haven't got any more puff and my food tastes the same...
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Haha true Triggs!

Yeah, need a hobby Rowan, preferably one that doesn't make me need ot get off the sofa, im still a lazy boot- one bad habit at a time eh? ;-)
well I wish you well
let's face it BOO, there are no rooms anywhere you go now, I worked for BHS at one time, there was a smoking room, you had to 'feel' your way to a chair through the haze..
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We had one at Asda too Boobs, the walls were a fantastic orange colour, lol.
yes, we were all Pariahs together back then
I gave up smoking altogether about 3 - 4 years ago, but years before that I stopped smoking in the house as I thought about the cats inhaling it. Also the curtain went from a peachy to a dirty brown.

I think the main reasons I stopped at work was because we had to go outside in the wind, rain, snow etc. to smoke and I thought s0d that. I was also getting more and more pilled on me so I went out less and less. I think I just kept busy and didn't think about it.

I've been trying to get Mr Tiggs to stop but he says he likes something to do when he's driving his van and something to do with his hands when he is on his PC. He smokes roll-ups.
Oh and I really wish you luck with giving up :o)
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I do Tiggs, smoke roll ups i mean.

Im whinging about it, but to be honest it's not THAT bad....yet.
I hope you crack it BOO
I gave up just over 2 years ago. I loved smoking, and felt really scared at the prospect of not having ciggies as my friend. I still get cravings, but the cravings soon go, and I do a deep sniff of second had smoke when I pass anyone having a ciggie! What helped me more than patches was one of the little nicorette holder thingies, that you put a capsule in. Anyway, although I havent felt the benefits of being a non smoker, I was ill last year, and am convinced "something" steered me to giving up, as I would have been really really bad if I had still smoked. Food still tastes the same too and I have put on weight, but SO proud of myself to have beaten the little blighters!. Oh ! I kept one where everyone could see it at home, and used to swear at it every time I went past....swear at it for ruling my life! All the very best of luck to you :)
Embroidery it is then Boo....start simple...and I know there are afficionadoes on here but counted crossstitch is boring...needs no creativity... just find something easy like a tray cloth choose your colours and fill it in with whatever stitches take your fancy.. only you have to see the finished article

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