Crosswords1 min ago
Relationships & Dating
Welcome to Relationships & Dating: If you're looking for advice on relationships, dating or other matters of the heart you're in the right place!
I went to my best friend's house for a sleepover and his sister(like usual) constantly followed me around everywhere I go and would ask me to rub her feet and neck. She sits next to me and lays on me....
how you feel when you hear the word 'no'? not neccessory proposal, can include joking oh half joking question about meery you etc.
hiyah please help. theres these 2 girls hu i have been best friends with since we were little , ive known them all my life. until i was about 8 we wer the bes of friends, we had never fallen out. but...
aup I want to book 1 nite away with ma sexy fella in a hotel I have about 200 quid spare for this and we also need to eat and get p i s s ed (however, im sure a litre of vodka in the room shud be...
Whats the longest anyone has been single before meeting someone else?
Ok this is a hyperthetical question for the guys on here. and please please be honest Are you all really only after one thing? seriously, i mean are there any men out there that are decent, that wont...
Has anyone ever split up with someone.......but then got back togther after a significant amount of time? like 1 year plus
need a tiny glimmer of hope here
The ex bf and me broke up bout 4 months ago.We were only goin steady for nearly 3 months and i do still really love him i dont think he loved me as such but just had feelings for me. When we broke up...
I don't have a bf but I want opinions. Would you be annoyed if your bf/gf shared their bed with one of their friends of the opposite sex? And as g/f or b/f yourself would you feel comfortable enough...
i am gay 51 yo and had a stroke and its leap year anyone available !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been seeing a girl on and off for about a year now. When i say seeing i dont mean a full on relationship, more just going out drinking and for meals. We've slept together a few times, though it...
My friend has a gf but the other day I was round his house late, and I was happy to leave (i've left that late before) but he asked me to sleep the night I said ok. Anyway last time I slept over I...
Last Friday my partner came home in a really bad mood. He went for a nap and came back downstairs a couple of hours later. I was really nice and said do you feel better and he exploded again. He...
ok, so this guy has been flirting with me for some time now, but it didnt occur to me that it was flirting until recently! some examples would be: -play kicking my A*s -stroked my hair as he walked...
I've been friends with a guy for a few years now and we've always been quite close and enjoy eachothers company. Last summer he asked if i wanted to do something sometime but nothing ever happened and...
29 feb?
Ok, i'm kind of seeing this guy (when i say kind of i mean it's not confirmed but it just happened) He split up with his last girlfriend about a month ago. I quite liked him when they were going out...
Is there such thing as a perfect partner? i dont think ive met mine. or ever? i dont know if it exist?, even my last werent perfect but i just focus on the good side of him, and block out the...
my boyfriend and i are both 26, totally in love and both want to get married, we have been together only 6 months, but we know what we have is special, i would be quite happy to get married now, but i...
Platonic lady "friend" stayed at mine for around 5 months. start with flirt flirt flirt. After she twigged me interested in more than friend she backed off. We used to watch porn...