So, for two or three days, you open your drawer and grab some pants.
After Olive has been here, the same pants magically appear back in the drawer (I'm not sure how that happens ... I think it's one of those "magic pants drawers").
Then, for two or three days, you open the drawer and grab some pants ...
... the same ones !
Unless we need "special pants for a special occasion" ... do we all just wear the same two or three pairs of pants over and over?
Maybe I need to get a life. I always put the clean ones to the back of the drawer and move the unused leans to the front...............I even rotate the towels and sheets this I need help?
Could it be because I'm a September baby and therefore a bit of a perfectionist? I love things to be in order, I have even alphabeticised my dvd collection, and sub divided them into genres. Oh, Lord I do need to get a life..................................