Hi. I have a bit of an embarrassing question. When you ladies have sex do you tighten your pelvic floor muscle when you are having sex? i seem to forget to do this and worry incase my boyfriend doesn't enjoy it. He hasn't grumbled but should you tighten your muscle at all times? thanks
Okay you want a serious answer, from a man's perspective this is it. I like women who are natural and enjoy what's going on without feeling the need to put on a floor show of how amazing they are cos they onec read some flaming article in woman's which told her she had to do all osrts of things at all sorts of times in order to make sure her partner enjoyed sex. Just...
i'm a bit concerned though as I've read about women who can suck water in through their muff in the bath and i can't do that. I do normally relax during sex but my boyfriend is a bit older and slept with quite a few women so i worry incase i'm not as good as them
He's with you and not them, so stop worrying. He is probably doing the same and wondering if he is pleasing you. Let him know if he is, or conversely if he isn't.