I hope you will accept advice from an old man whose children have grown well and gone.
You are to be commended for your concerns, but the growth of a child, just as an adult requires challange. None of us like change, none of us happily allow change without a fight, but only with change do we grow. When we can no long handle change, we die.
My wife and I raised two fine children. Both college graduates, both seeking advanced degrees.Much to their mother's credit. In truth, however, if I had it to do again, I wish I had stepped back in some places and allowed the children to handle their own problems.
I recall how my son fell from his bike while learning
to ride. He badly hit his mouth and nearly lost his front teeth. I had nightmare over that for years. I dreamed of diving to the ground to try to catch him,nearly missing each time.
He grew to a fine and handsome young man, his teeth are fine. Now, in retrospect, I understand that we cannot always protect our children, nor are we doing them a favor when we do.
We cannot live our children's lives. We cannot always shield them. At best, we are guides giving them what little we know.
Be of good faith. Your son, just like my children and all children, grow up in spite of us, not because of us.
Look carefully and see if the tears you fear are more yours than his and keep the faith. This too shall pass.