Hi all,need some advice.I've been with him for three years now.He's still with wife,she kind of like has a clue,but he just keeps fobbing her off.He tells me he needs to say because of his debts etc,we have a great time and love each other alot.We've tried the not seeing each other for a couple of mths,but where like a boomerang...we just keep getting together.What should one do...?
In attempting to ascertain the fullest of responses a wise man would seek to find all the facts. They seem somewhat lacking in this Q. or at least as slow in arriving somewhere as the development of this relationship.
The question posed is obviously weighed to give certain responses from other users.The fact that some users give the desired responses only feeds the neeed of the poster to continue this.The post is the needle but the responses oh so shocked are the heroin to inject into the poster to achieve their high their goal their bit of fun.
Though some might calll me cynical , others might calll me logical.
Then again?