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personal bedroom question!

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razmataz | 13:45 Tue 10th Jun 2008 | Relationships & Dating
75 Answers
My boyfriend always wants to perform oral sex on me, and he says he can do so happily for hours. However, I don't understand why he enjoys doing it so much. I don't always want it to continue for so long. LOL. Surely he gets tired and wants to take a break. Does anyone know why some men are so into this ? Thanks


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You're wanting to spare his feelings and that's really sweet.

Instead of telling him what you don't like, why don't you tell him what you do like? More encourgement when he's hitting the spot and less when he's not.

Personally I'd rather be told if he's not enjoying what I'm doing, but everyone's different.
Just seen this thread.

razmataz, don't you give him oral sex when he is doing it you?

If not, what do you do?
he needs guidance , from you....what works for one doesnt always work for someone else..
Raz - well, last reply here for the day, all i can say is communication is the key.

Not everyone does sex perfectly.

He might think you are loving it and the longer he can go on with it, the more you'll enjoy it, but it doesnt work like that.

You have to tell him what you like and dont like - and it doesnt have to ruin the moment.

Talk about things when you're not having sex - discussions about likes and dislikes do help. Explain to him what turns you on the most, what you'd like him to do more of and what you'd like him to do less of.....and get him to do the same.

Everyone's technique is different, so it's important that you tell him what you like.

If you two are so compatible, like you said earlier, then you shouldnt have a problem talking about it......and you never know, it will probably make things better for you both!
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Sometimes Rtaxron. But mostly keep them separate in time. His giving is usually followed by a strong desire to have sex.
Nothing wrong with drinking from the 'furry cup'.

Some men enjoy it, some don't, just like some women enjoy giving oral and some don't.

It's all a matter of personal taste (no pun intended).

Next question is: why do some women lose control at the crucial moment and ahem experience a slight leakage?
Why don't you just say that it's his turn now to get pleasure, and give yourself a break, presuming that you do like to return the favour.
Isn't that what we're aiming for, 4GS?
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All your answers have been great. 4GS that is very rude now c'mon!
to 4GS, isn't the "crucial moment" all about losing control? (and it helps to go to the loo before it all starts lol)
Good lord. I've never lost control at the crucial moment. I've always managed to keep hold of my chips lol.
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This is making me laugh!
And on a more serious note; 4GS, isn't that flattering for you? That they're...erm...enjoying themselves that much that they lose control of themselves? I'd be flattered :o)
Is he talking about a woman leaking wee????


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Absolutement cheries.
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Don't think the wee thing has happened to moi ..yet.
it seems that your bloke wants to please you, but do remember we are not mind readers, if you want him to try something else then tell him, he probably won't mind or take offence. I have to admit that a hour does seem a bit excessive for one thing (you can have too much of a good thing), I find my tongue gets tried before that!

Maybe I need more practice :)
Me neither LOL

I'm off home, talk to him about it, good luck x
Then it could be argued that you're doing it with the wrong person, razmataz.
I hear 4GS is able to do it ....
If he enjoys it that much, get him to lie on his back and kneel over his mouth. Advantages:

1. You can take charge of which bit of you is in contact with which bit of him.

2. When you've had enough, you can just hop off and say "thanks mate".

3. You can watch telly or read at the same time.

4. If he likes the taste of you that much, he will get more of it because (thinks how to put this delicately) you will, erm, (toys with words like "flood" "gush" "drip") discharge into his mouth.

(Damn, I knew I'd pick the wrong word)

... goes off to join the queue behing Lakitu

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