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zzxxee | 14:01 Tue 11th Aug 2009 | Relationships & Dating
41 Answers
if the trust in a relasionship has been dented regarding fedelity do you think it can ever be repaired???? even if the event happened 3 years ago but it eats away at you??? but you love this person sooooo much it hurts???


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"Secret phone", says it all really sorry zzxxee, i couldnt trust him x choice/investigators/deleted-text-reader-sim-r ecovery-pro.html

40 quid

ok snags but she hadnt posted about secret phone etc then

no probs.
ok... 'secret phone'... will just perpetuate the lack of trust/deceit etc...

In my humble onion...
legg.....have been reassessing my reply.

He almost certainly has someone else.

See my first answer under Why! Why Why in yesterdays Relationship and Dating and I feel that we are going to start all over again.......for the umpteenth time.
its really pointless answering as it seems obvious to one and all that hes playing away more than brian cant and floella benajmin lol
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this was over 3 years ago though , when i talk to people we know they all say he worships the ground i walk on, he spends all his free time with me but sometimes its just a gut feeling
zzxxee... at the end of the day it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks... this is something between you and him...
Snags sounds more like SOMEONE.
You say something between them i think mit sounds like theres a 3rd person someone between him and her.If all she says is true.
Oh right... thought you were suggesting I was someone else...
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more confused than ever, well think we need to do some sraight talking thanks to everyone even pegleg has been a bit helpfull i suppose lol
^ lol.. I bet that comment really stuck in your throat...
iv been totally honest.hes hiding his phone because hes got something to hide.
if you want my honest opinion theres been something going on for a long time.the treating you like a queen is typical of the type of guy whos messing around and does that to distract his partner from the fact hes got his finger in more pies than he wants her to know.

if this straetches back so far then in my opinion your relationship is dead and the soone rhes confronted and you both move on the better for you

as for him he will have his cake and eat it if youre silly enough to let him.

thats entirely your choice.
but whod want to be a doormat?

its your life tho
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it is my life the whole affair thing doesnt stretch back 3 years just the few months he was haveing late drinks with this girl.. he gave up his job on the doors and got rid of the phone what im saying is lately he takes his phone everywhere with him and this has made my feelings of the incident of 3 years ago raise their ugly head again
everyones told you

its yur call

but seems to me you kn0ow hes at it

decision time.
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it certainly is pegleg it certainly is i have told him i want a few days on my own by text so hes going tonight
oh welll
he wont need to hide his phone tonight then ?
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ok dont go overboard ive thanked you for the advise no need to rub salt in an already massive wound
It must have affected you more than you first thought or you wouldn't be thinking about it now.

Have you asked him why he is taking his phone everywhere and how it makes you feel. Sometimes we do expect other people to be mind readers.

Always say I have eye balls not crystal balls!

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