Hi. A " discussion"started between two friends of mine about homosexuality.One said that the gene is in there when you are born and comes out in later years. My other friend who is a retired psychiartry ( spelling) nurse argues that it is all in the mind and as was said earlier not in the genes. I tend to agree with my friend about it being your genes but would appreciate any answers
Redman, out of interest. Can you, as a fella, look at another fella and see that they are good looking or sexy without in any way thinking of a physical relationship. Us ladies all seem able to do that with attractive females. Perhaps men are different to us in that respect?
A study in Italy showed a significantly higher child bearing rate among the sisters of gay men.
This indicates a potential reason why homosexuality in males persists in the population even though it would be expected to selected against since gay men are less likely to father children.
The genetic connection between siblings can lead to what seem to be counter-intuitive outcomes.
Another factor is the mother's immune system increasingly supressing androgen factors in male foetuses in subsequent pregancies. Consequently her later sons are typically less mascline and more likely to be homosexual.
Compare the masculinity of brothers on average and it is quite obvious.
LoftyLottie ! I can appreciate a handsome man when I see one but it's all in the eyes of the beholder. The person I may consider handsome could be unappealing to a lot of Women......
But what about 'sexy' redman. Women can see sexiness in other women and are usually right. Can you spot a man who would be sexy to women. It wouldn't involve looks.
The early late sons pattern could also be explained by social factors, for example first born sons traditionally carrying the burden of continuing family line and may be more likely to chosea lifestyle that maintains family approval , they may simply be under greater pressure to conform,, later children often have more freedom, I wonder if it is the reverse for women, as most of my gay female friends are first born.
I once read that the lobes of women's brains are slightly further apart than a mans, and the brains of gay men are too - I agree that it is something you're born with. Not so much today as there isn't (quite rightly) any stigma attatched to homosexuality, but for those born when it was classed as illegal, men wouldn't obviously choose it as a lifestyle if they could help it would they?. Incidentally, Lesbianism was never classed as illegal for the simple reason that Queen Victoria refused to believe it happened!!
I do agree that it's in the eye of the beholder but, example, Johny Depp is sexy to loads of women. Can you see why he is sexy? Good looks don't equal sexy necessarily. (well not to most women anyway! ;o) )
No I can't LoftyLottie ! How do Women determine sexiness in Men as it not only down to appearance but it may be down to other traits as well e.g Personality, sense of humour etc etc
I find a number of men attractive,, there are some i might consider making an exception for,,, so I am on the bi lesbian side of the continuum,,pretty far along but not quite at the end of the line not sure if I'd actually be able to do the necessary if one of my'exceptions' made the offer though
I can remember how when I first learned about lesbians from a friend (I was about 14 - we were not so advanced in those days!) I knew about gay men by then but was absolutely shocked by what she told me.
Johnny Depp is one of my favourite actors as he is so versatile in the roles he plays hence the types of Films he chooses to act in.
I do understand why Women find him attractive but I like him in macho roles 'men films' and that is probably the appeal to Women in general.