Hi Again Maydup. Now just to verify that what I say works I can tell you that since getting Diabetes type 2 and having a blood sugar count of 115 I have lost 15 kilos, gone down 4 to 5 top sizes (depending on the style) and my blood sugar is 44 with just 2 pills a day......normal is 31 to 44. I'm saying this so you can see that what I am doing is working....forget the blood sugar bit because that doesn't count for you.
Do you eat in a canteen? If so I would suggest that you bring things from home to have with your salad. Lots of little variations make eating much more fun and interesting. Here a just some ideas.....a cup of soup, a half of a brown bread roll with lo fat cheese topped off with sliced red peppers, 2 rolled up ham slices with shredded horse radish in the middle, or a bit of cucumber and bell peppers, cottage cheese with either fruit of raw veg. in it. (not grapes, they have so much sugar in them) any fruit that ends with the word "berry" is good. I don't know about apples but I have a cut up apple after lunch. It tells my stomach that the meal is now finished. If you bring it from home, sprinkle it with lemon juice to keep it from going brown. Sliced fresh pears with a sprinkling of cinammon and/or ginger is also yummy. Cole slaw using ½ and ½ lo fat mayo and lo fat greek yogurt.....grated carrots sprinkled with lemon juice and lo salt......
For my two snack times I have a rusk with lo fat cheese spread and sliced peppers, a handful of almonds and a smaller hand full of dried cranberries with my morning coffee and with my afternoon cuppa at 4 I have a banana muffin with my tea. I use the girlie fruit tea with no caffin after 3pm.
As you can see I'm not starving myself, very seldom feel hungry and am loosing weight so it works. My walks have been shelved due to bad weather and I really can feel it so will start up soon again no matter what.
I hope that you can use some of these ideas or that they will put you on to some other ideas of your own.