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At work, in our office, we have been without a cleaner for a few days. She was due to come back today (she did turn up later), but in the meantime, four bins in our office were overflowing with... ...
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I work with five others in the office, but I get on particularly well with one female.  We have good banter/conversation.  There is one guy who has been in our office about 5 months now (I've been... ...
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You may not be aware, but crims can steal your phone (out of your hand) in an unlocked state, and then use the banking app on the phone to steal all the money in your bank accounts. Radio 4’s Money... ...
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I've gradually took my money out of bank, stored quite a bit in trusted elsewhere, anyway I'm following Gerard celentes amount others, all most top economists been saying global financial collapse... ...
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I keep getting international calls from EquiEdge about my late husbands shares. Something about 'extra' allocated shares. 
  All his holdings have been sold so I am getting the impression they are a... ...
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As part of an interview process for temp office work, I and others have been selected to undertake an assessment.  It’s for an hour.  The recruitment team did not offer any other dates and times... ...
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Just had a letter from TV Licensing asking me to activate my online licence.  I don't want to activate my online licence and want reminders...e.g.  pieces of paper... sent through the post.  Shall... ...
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I made a complaint to an investment company over 11 weeks ago now, about several things including non transparency of charges, but the main complaint is a Bond I'd asked the wealth manager to... ...
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Hello I'll be getting my state pension in August but am considering deferring it as I am still working part time and it will be taxed.  Would I be better off taking it and putting it into an ISA... ...
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How much commission do Beresfords charge if you sell your rental property to the tenant? Thank you x
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I want put cash into btc and ethereum. I've downloaded created accounts with plus 500 and etoro but none of them are letting me trade I don't know why maybe they want big money investers as btc is... ...
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Anyway i´ve decided to bite the bullet and pay! I was asked how do i want to pay? debit card or bank transfer? debit card is free, but according to my Halifax bank website bank transfers are free... ...
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Is anyone else having issues with the new Santander app, it takes an age to load at every stage of the login process, every time, but all other apps and sites I load are instant.  Used to be... ...
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I've never withdraawn from a fixed rate cash ISA but I have need to temporarily withdraw large amounts from them now. The rules seem very complicated in that you can replace withdrawn funds in the... ...
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Where in London are there banks with cash exchange machines accepting lowest value EU and US cent coins
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My friend was a sole trader and recently became a limited company, therefore slightly changing the name of his business. He has tried unsuccessfully, on numerous occassions to ask his bank to... ...
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Some time later this (I hope) I am going to want to get some money from the bank. I did think of a Credit Card and just pay it off monthly etc but I was talking a wee girl in the bank like for... ...
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I have received a form  for the take  over of the above by EP UK Bidco Ltd  The writing is very small and difficult to read , so I'm uncertain of what exactly is required to be done by myself . Does... ...
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I have been informed that my landline is now going digital and I am to plug my phone into the broadband router. Why do I still pay for landline? when I don't even have a phone plugged into it but... ...
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The perils of buying goods online. I bought a patio/bistro set, and was not told in which country it was made, or that it would arrive it a flat pack.  Also, it was impossible to assemble due to... ...

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