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Hi - I’ve inherited 5000 dollars which I’ve been sent by personal cheque. As the exchange rate is pretty rubbish at the moment I had a sudden thought could the bank pay me in a different currency eg...
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At work, in our office, we have been without a cleaner for a few days. She was due to come back today (she did turn up later), but in the meantime, four bins in our office were overflowing with... ...
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Regading the "Bank" app game from the Apple app store. This is a game played with two six sided dice. Essentially, you are hoping to avoid rolling a seven as players in the circle take turns... ...
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I work with five others in the office, but I get on particularly well with one female.  We have good banter/conversation.  There is one guy who has been in our office about 5 months now (I've been... ...
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You may not be aware, but crims can steal your phone (out of your hand) in an unlocked state, and then use the banking app on the phone to steal all the money in your bank accounts. Radio 4’s Money... ...
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I've gradually took my money out of bank, stored quite a bit in trusted elsewhere, anyway I'm following Gerard celentes amount others, all most top economists been saying global financial collapse... ...
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I keep getting international calls from EquiEdge about my late husbands shares. Something about 'extra' allocated shares. 
  All his holdings have been sold so I am getting the impression they are a... ...

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