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Personal Finance
Hi - not sure if this is in the right section or not - but - I made a payment arrangement with SP after I left them as I had an outstanding balance as their rep did not set my direct debits high...
On receiving his P60, my husband and I noticed that he had paid ?10000 tax last year. Can anyone tell me how this is distributed into the various sectors?
hi there, my partner and i got a mortgage nine months ago, never missed a payment, however I applied for a loan recently and was refused. Could this be because I have recently got a mortgage. Does...
what would i take home a month if my yearly wage is 14,000?
What wages would i take home a month if my wages were 14,000 a year?
Does anyone know a stockbroker from whom I can buy shares listed on the Norwegian market?
Which isa?
how much can i earn on incapacity benefit?
I am employed as a pre-school assistant studying for an nvq level 3 in child care and have been informed that i am entitled to ?25 per week study grant (transition funding). Can anyone tell me if...
Can some one tell me how i can find the nat west bank base rate from jan 1990 to march 2007, and how to calculate days rate etc. thank you.
An ex partner transfered his property into my sole name on the condition I paid his exsisting mortage off which i did. he also gave me a letter he signed saying he was selling it me for x amount of...
my wife and i are looking for a joint bank account,but i was made bankrupt on 2/02/07 and no one seems to want to provide facilities.Any suggestions
how long are cheques valid for?
i have a jiont mortgage with my wife can she on here own change the mortgage
how much savings should a pensioner have invested considering the benefits you can claim if you have savings and a small private pension. ie pension credit.,dental, optical,council tax and all the...
has anyone heard of or had any dealings with a company called Rea homes in real spain based in Blanca near Murcia
i am being persued for a credit card debt that is not mine and believe my name was used without consent. How can i prove this or is the onus on the company to prove that the debt is mine?
I have been offered a company car with a monthly opt out value of ?385 pm rather than salary increase. Paying 40% tax whats generaly the best option to take, the car, PCP or the cash?
I have had an endownment policy for ?44k for about the last 15 years and I pay approx ?100 per month to it - it is on course to be ?17k short when it matures in 10 years time. I've been down the...
I am moving to canada and definitely will not come back here in UK (i am asian and not british citizen) i only stayed here for 3 years. Now, ive got a loan for ?5000 and credit card for ?1500 and...