If you ask for cashback on a credit card, is it charged like taking cash out of the cash machine, or is it 'added on' to your shopping bill i.e. charged as goods rather than cash?
I have never been offered cashback when I pay with a credit card, only with a debit card. For the latter it's shown as cash.
Cash on the credit card is a very expensive way of drawing money, done it in the past in time of need but the interest is daily and really racks up, I wouldn't do it again!
Jaydah - it's up to you but it's costing you to do it. You may be breaching your CC merchant agreement though.
I am occasionally offered cash on a CC - I've never taken it up but suspect it wouldn't work if I did - not in a big store anyway. I'm sure the cashier is on autopilot and not bothering to read the till prompts - or lack of them.
I'm not sure I understand your questio, lankeela.
As others have said, cashback at the tills is offered on debit cards. I'm not aware of it being offered on credit cards.
If it's on a debit card and your shopping bill is £60 and you ask for £20 cashback then they give you £20 cash and your debit card is debited with £80. So you shouldn't get charged withdrawal charges. I'm assuming there's enough money in your account to cover the shopping bill + cashback