Credit Card Application in The AnswerBank: Personal Finance
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Credit Card Application

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BobbyBobBob | 19:32 Wed 20th Feb 2013 | Personal Finance
10 Answers
Is it possible to apply for a credit card with properly applying?

What I mean by this is can you apply for a credit card to see whether the company accept you, and then not click the confirm application to submit it properly?

Basically just to see whether you would be accepted with the info you provide?
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No, they won't give you a decision until you actually apply, you can't make a speculative application. IMO.
No i am afraid not. You need to fully apply with the correct information then credit card company will then make their decision. If they did what you are suggesting they are opening themselves up to fraud/bad debt because people will just keep altering their application until it suits the banks requirements.
hi bobby bob bob, i am just being nosey really, but why would you want to? If you want a cc then apply, if you want to know your creditworthiness, go to vredit expert
Experian will suggest the best credit cards to apply for based on your credit score, there is still no guarantee you will be accepted though and yes, if you are turned down it will have a negative effect on your future credit score. you will need to pay a small fee for the service.
no.......? just apply for one or have a look with a credit reference agency. it's not that difficult....
bednobs, I imagine he is aware of the fact that a refusal will affect his credit rating and he wants to avoid this.
If you think you may be refused then try a Capital One credit repair card, you only get a £200 limit though.
have you tried getting a free credit report from Experian or Equifax? They used to offer a free trial and this would show up any adverse entries in your credit history...
from Marytn Lewis money saving expoert website
If you're still after a new credit stream, try the personalised credit card searches on comparison site MoneySupermarket*.

It asks five quick questions to assess your creditworthiness, then tries to match you up with the best card, using 'soft searches' of your credit file, which importantly don't leave a mark (hence don't hit future applications)
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