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What Shall I Do?

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abbeylee90 | 12:09 Thu 07th Mar 2024 | Business & Finance
88 Answers

I'm really struggling for money and I got to afternoon with my mum on Saturday and only got what I can. I can't ask for anymore money 



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Abbey, just tell your mum the afternoon tea is off and that you'll be taking even longer than planned to pay off the money you owe her as you are totally skint and are lurching from one pay day to the next. She might, of course, wonder why...

Are you confused abbey. Are you paid weekly or fortnightly? Or did you take  a week's unpaid leave?

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Took a week unpaid

why would you do that if you are in such dire straights with money?

Abbey, you will have to decide whether you're going to keep hiding the truth from your mum... one year of that is bad enough, it'd be very unfair to subject her to more. You said before that she was 'funny' or 'a bit off' when you previously lost a job - do you not think that is understandable? 

You'll also need to work out how you're going to live on so little money. Even if you get a full-time job tomorrow, you've still a lot of catching up to do financially.

Cancel Disney.

Check whether you can change your mobile plan to something cheaper.

Tell your mum and dad the truth. 

..and stop having driving lessons until you can actually afford them.

Did you discuss any of this with the counsellor?

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What can a Councillor do to help me?

Why is it my fault I lost my job?

All I want is atleast £50 for weekend.

Beginning of Jan I took week off leave.

I haven't been having lessons


Seems it's everyone else's fault but your abbey

^yours not your.

Unpaid leave? Was it for something important you couldn't miss?

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I mean why would my mum blame me unless I done anything wrong etc

I took my mum out and was my friend birthday 

What job did you lose Abbey?

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Care home q

A counsellor will try and help you, if you listen to them.

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What pay me?

You have lost jobs because you didn't work to the standard expected. Even if you don't like a job, or a colleague, or a supervisor, just get on with it as you need the money.

Didn't you have counselling today, Abbey?

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I don't care about all that but the care home weren't even telling me I hadn't done the cleaning properly before hand

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Yes it was ok but can't afford any further sessions 

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