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Has Anyone Noticed.....?

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ToraToraTora | 09:51 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Politics
47 Answers

Most of our resident lefties are disowning Labour now. eg Canary and untitled claimed Starmer was like George Osborne.

You won chaps you got real Labour is it not how you hoped it would be? Did you not remember them from the 70s? Be careful what you wish for.



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I'm noticing varying reactions ranging from gobsmacked silence to hastily-constructed excuses to embarrassment.  I really think Labour's first couple of months has come as a complete surprise to many of their voters.  I can't see why it should though - they can't say they weren't warned.

Objection, badgering the witness.

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Who are the resident lefties on here ?

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10:04 they are the ones either keeping quiet or disowning Labour at the moment.

Come on , name them so I know who they are 

I think 'lefties' are just people who have a modicum of concern for the general state of things and a thought for their fellow citizens now and then.



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untitled, gromit, canary, nicebloke, gulliver, hymie.

TBF Gulliver is still mouthing off and blaming the tories for everything ditto hymie blaming brexit.


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doug: "I think 'lefties' are just people who have a modicum of concern for the general state of things and a thought for their fellow citizens now and then." - err no they are the "far right" dougie have you seen the media lately? Anyone with any concern for our society or people are the "far right".

//I think 'lefties' are just people who have a modicum of concern for the general state of things and a thought for their fellow citizens now and then.//


In that case it would be fair to say that most of us are 'lefties' - but we're not.

We can see you're struggling to nail down a definition for your favourite dismissive descriptor so we won't keep you from your analysis of the political news from Germany.

I was about to post my thoughts on the present government but after seeing TTT goading post @10.16 and being allowed to stay, well why bother. If you spend all day every day on AB it appears you can say and do whatever you please. Have a good day all.

IMO left & right politics is basically about priorities. Is letting society's movers and shakers near free rein to use other fellow citizens however they wish, to make any wealth attraction they can, a greater priority, or is ensuring all in society are looked fairly and well the priority. Both sides will know wealth needs to be generated and the citizens need to be taken care of.


I still consider myself left of centre, but it's all the other carp that each side associates with, and as far as I am concerned should have bee all to do with their basic political position, that makes both sides a massive disappointment.


Maybe if the major parties put the country and culture first, and then pursue their relevant left/right political agendas second, they may actually be worth supporting. But as it is ...  we need an alternative no matter how risky, as it's unlikely to be worse that what we've had.

god he used starmer as 'starmer'

No as I so wisely said elsewhere - there may be a set of circumstances ( economic stats) which dictates only one course of action no matter who is in power

o god dont be so sensitive Nice bloke

untitled, gromit, canary, nicebloke, gulliver, hymie.

"TBF Gulliver is still mouthing off"  ...... gulliver is silent and suspended isnt he? dont believe everything TTT says

As I have stated, I have been anti-Starmer from his appointment. I've also mooted the possibility that he's a plant from the Tory Dirty Tricks Brigade whose false flag role is to discredit the party (No genuine Labour Party member would attack the pensioners).  

As far as "remembering" Labour goes, I remember them from the Forties when they inaugurated the NHS to enormous opposition from the Toff Party who hated the idea of the plebs getting free medical treatment and have persistently undermined it since (there's profit in sickness chaps, let's cash in).

As far as be careful what you wish for goes, do the Tory Abers want a return to Liz Truss ?   Just asking.

I did not vote Labour in the last election toratoratora and i was against starmer before the election for reasons i have posted elsewhere... 

i don't recall which thread it was but i do remember you observing that labour was "becoming the tories" in order to win the election... and kier starmer is saying exactly what george osborne was saying 14 years ago. if you agreed with it then and not now then....

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canary: "As far as "remembering" Labour goes, I remember them from the Forties when they inaugurated the NHS " - great and that was one of the few things labour ever did that was good. Do you remember them from the 60s and 70s? though? You voted labour, you got Labour real Labour. They are doing real Labour things. Giving power back to the unions, caving in to inflation busting public sectore pay rises etc. So How can you compare the current Labour PM with a former Tory Chancellor? Sounds like you'd forgotten all about real Labour and have had a rude awakening.

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untitled:"I did not vote Labour in the last election toratoratora and i was against starmer before the election for reasons i have posted elsewhere... " - ok but you are always on the left wing side of things.

"i don't recall which thread it was but i do remember you observing that labour was "becoming the tories" in order to win the election... and kier starmer is saying exactly what george osborne was saying 14 years ago. if you agreed with it then and not now then...." - Well I said new Labour were Tory lite and this is real Labour but yes I did say that in order to get elected they would have to emulate the Tories and and they did. When the horse was delivered to troy the greeks were inside. Starmer played a blinder, he convinced millions that he was not real Labour, thus the horse was accepted as the gift and wheeled into the city. The "greeks" now can come out with their real policies. It seems Labour emulated the Tories so well they got elected, yet now the fools that voted for them, like canary are crying foul. Don't say you weren't warned.

what he is saying about the budget - promising spending cuts in order to balance the books - is no different from the deceptive rubbish put out by George Osborne in 2010. starmer is far more of a "red tory" than blair ever was. 

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