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What Does This Guy Mean By He Always Bottom Of My List?

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abbeylee90 | 20:27 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | Family & Relationships
57 Answers

This guy I've spoken about I know from dogs home. I said work comes at top of my list and he said 'you finish at two and then have the weekend off ! When he all of a sudden brought up we hadn't been out for ages. Very little does he know about selco. What is he trying to get out of this?



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Ignore him. Don't waste time dwelling on him

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I haven't messaged him since.

I think you secretly like his attention , just as you like ours

He means that he doesn't think you are interested in him. That you put him last in your life. If you finish work on a Friday he is implying that you can't or don't want to see him at the weekend when you are not working

Sorry I had to chuckle!

is this the old gent that you said you had blocked?

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No not that one

Maybe he misses your sparkling wit and dazzling repartee? 

Seriously, Abbey - I thought you only passed the time of day with him at the dogs home. Why are you having chats that involve you saying 'Work comes first'? Did he ask you out again, did he suggest doing something together?

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Yes he said he was nearly a year ago we went somewhere for Sunday lunch and wanted to go.

Abbey, if you keep having chats with him, he'll keep asking those kind of questions - you know what he's like, he used to come out with all that guff before. Why get involved in conversations, can you not just say 'Hello'or 'Good morning' and carry on walking?

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It's awkward 

It's as awkward as you allow it to be. It was different when you seemed to give off all the wrong signals last time around - letting him  take you out, buy you stuff and so on- but that was a long time ago. The less you have to do with him now, the more he'll get the message.

I think we were assuming it's the older man who bought abbey a watch, wanted abbey to come out so he could show her off to his elderly mates and wouldn't wear a hi-viz vest, But abbey has said here it's not him.

So do you mean the one you mentioned recently that you quite liked?

nma, Abbey said recently that she'd blocked "sleepover guy"

DDIL asked "is this the old gent that you said you had blocked?"

abbey replied "No not that one".

I took that to mean 'not the old gent'.

I'm so confused 💫😵

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It is the guy from dogs home who bought me a watch

I thought it was the old guy who bought the watch. This is too confusing

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It is

So it is the older gent then?

I thought you had blocked him.

do you like the attention he gives you?

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No it's awkward blocking him incase he turns up at dogs home

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