I am a bit puzzled by some of the comments here. ATMs do not offer "exchange rates" so any reference to ATM exchange rates is misleading. You lift dollars from the machine, and your own bank apply an exchange rate to charge it to your account - the same rate which you would get if you bought goods in dollars. In general this rate is far better than you will get any other way, and certainly far better than t/cs which to my mind are a complete waste of money. You will get charged a cash advance charge, usually 1-2%, with a minimum, the same as if you lifted cash on your card at home. If you have a Nationwide Visa card then you won't even be charged a foreign currency charge, which can be quite significant (up to 2.75%). Credit cards are so easy to use over there, and simple things like booking a hotel room or hiring a car are almost impossibe if you don't have one. I would also recommend having some sort of backup eg another card, just in case!