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4getmenot | 18:53 Tue 25th Jan 2011 | Business & Finance
9 Answers
last year i moved into a new house and got a bt line put in because we wanted broadband. We dont have a phone at all and pay £47 a month line rental and broadband. Is there anyway to just pay broadband?


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You need the line to get the broadband, with BT, it's not wireless.
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seems cr@p that we are paying so much
I am about £35 for my broadband, Telephone line and most calls and my TV package on Virgin.
i hope i understand your question right..........i have a landline broadband calls free after 7pm at weekends, all for approx £22 per month, with talk talk.
Something's not right - are you sure that you're not paying back for the INSTALLATION of the line in that payment? It can't be just line rental and broadband.
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i was to start with but thought that was for a few months. I'm still paying same amount so maybe i should call them
Just checked my current BT bill to be sure, I'm paying £21.50 for the Broadband per month plus £13.60 for the line on the unlimited weekend calls plan = total £35 per month. That's BT Broadband option 2.
Thats way too expensive!

I was with BT until recently and was paying them £13 per month for the line rental/calls and then £15 to tiscali for the broadband (and £22 to Sky to TV)

I recently swapped to Virgin and pay £31 for phone/broandband and TV.
With BT you pay alot extra if you have the unlimited broadband as its the best one you can get. with other broadband companies you find they aint unlimited and have so much usage per month,If you download over the given limit they slow you connection right down till your nxt month so you will find your computer alot slower at loading websites and things like youtube will fail to load. Thats why its more money with BT as its one of the few that is unlimited.

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