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Family & Relationships

Welcome to the Family section where it is OK to air your dirty laundry!

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I have a tricky family issue landed in my lap and am seeking insights from you good people out there. My daughter has three daughters, the middle one is getting married next year and has asked her...
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So there is this girl I met at a cafe. We talked for a while there while I getting drinks and food. I asked her if she’d ever like to catch up sometime and she said yes. She gave me her number to...
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I’m having a disagreement with my partner about something. He comes home and announces he’s hosting a fondue party at our place with some girl from work. I said I think that’s a little weird that you...
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Hi Everyone, My husband (Male 21) is obscenely tired. He literally slept 20 hours straight today, got up for 4 hours to eat and shower and went back to bed again for another 8 hours sleep. The thing...
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I'm friends with this girl, who is very in touch with reality. We usually have deep conversations about spirituality and why people act the way they do. And I thought we were really compatible...
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My ex-work colleague moved to another city and we kept emailing each other after she left. In the end, it tapered off naturally of course seeing as we’re no longer working together. I sent her a...
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I (27f) recently started dating my boyfriend (27m), recently meaning late June. We became intimate within a week or so of confirming the relationship. Everything has been consensual and he is very...
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I've heard from the Crematorium my beloved ashes are ready for collection.. we had a Direct Cremation as discussed by us both well before he was I'll...we will have a celebration of his life later in...
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I recently moved to a new school and met a girl there. We talked to her for a while. I soon realized that she was the person I would like to be friends with. But I'm very shy about talking to other...
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I used to work with this guy about 3 years ago who I had a crush on and he was always really nice to me and tried to talk to me however he had a girlfriend at the time. I don’t think he has a...
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So tomorrow I am going to attempt to get my first kiss ever with my girlfriend. I haven't kissed anyone and I am nervous to kiss her. We will be at a club with young people with special needs (like a...
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Friends and family, that always wait for you you put your hand in your pocket to pay for things ? I am kind but my patience is running thin.
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I met a girl in April 2018 and have been with her ever since except a 4 month gap in 2020/21 when we broke up. I didn't feel a vibe when we first met but gradually over a couple months I started to...
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Hey. I'm a very touchy-feeling person. When i spoke to my relatives it was easy and with no tense psychologically and physically. But now, i somehow was touched psychologically by my brother(this is...
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Hi, I am in a long distance relationship. My boyfriend moved to Canada for good and I am left here in the Philippines. We are now trying to make this long distance relationship work (9 months and...
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I recently managed to contact one of my old lost friend. We lost contact for 20 years and only recently got to talk on the phone. My friend has children and we wants to buy them some sort of gift when...
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Hi, I would like to gift my parents DNA testing with ancestry and a 6 month membership. My dad is not computer savvy, so it would only really be my mum using the site. Do I need separate memberships...
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My friend and I were playing a game called killing floor 2. You fight waves of zombies then there is a boss at the end. Everyone died from the boss and I was the the only one left and had to fight the...
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If they are making small talk and dont know you.
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I was doing something they didnt like and they asked that question. They have known me for a while and that I like women. Im a guy. I was confused by the or. When I said "husband" They said Im just...

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