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What are some rules in dating relationships...
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Hey, I'm a 20 year old girl and im in a secret long distance relationship for over 2 years. I can't tell my parents about our relationship because they will not be happy to hear it. you may ask why,...
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Simply put, the greatest gift any parent can bestow upon their children is to be a happy, fulfilled whole person in their own right since it is this singular achievement recreated moment-by-moment...
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I was dating this guy and the beginning of the year he said let's get serious but I live quite a track from him and hasn't been able to meet also not been reading my messages when we talk about...
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How would you handle this person?I became friends w/someone I worked with.She's 52, never married, no kids & set in her ways. Her mindset's like her way is the best way, only way, right way, you know...
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I have a debate with my friend and we're debating on which we think is more comfortable. I think being shirtless is better, while he thinks otherwise. He won't try it, but he said he might if he lived...
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She's 8 and she's my second cousin I believe. I went to breakfast with her, my uncle, my other cousins, my aunt and mom. I went and sat next to my cousin and uncle. I dont know them well so im not...
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My parents divorced 8 years ago under messy circumstances while I was at university. Now I am 29 and live with my dad and his new "girlfriend" (I have my own floor mind you, and plan to move out...
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So my 16 yo daughter is starting a paid apprenticeship £12k per year. in October. I’m still on very good terms with her dad, but we’re both a little confused about when he should stop paying the CSA...
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I work for a commercial cleaning company. One of buildings I clean is an office building. In one of the cubicles, I guess it was someone's birthday and someone threw graffiti allover the floor and...
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My cousin is unsure of her sexuality. I’m posting this question with my cousin’s permission. She doesn’t like sex with males but likes relationships with them and she likes sex with girls but doesn’t...
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I like boho/folksie/vintage clothes and I wear pale green frilly dresses with brown boots. She'll say, "Why can't you dress more like everyone else and more worldly?" Well, I like my dress sense as...
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I like a guy friend of mine though he is gay. As a part of the lgbtq community i respect him and i dont want ro make iy obvious thay i like him and make him uncomfortable the best way is yo get over...
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How can I always continue the conversation? Please helo. I've always had trouble making friends, because Im always scared and think "what can I say to them"? I've always had the same friends as my...
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Hi My dad who is coming up to eighty still drives a car. I went out with him the other week, and was shocked how poor his reactions are , to potential dangerous situations. He doesn’t check his rear...
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What this answer from a girl could mean?: "My visual preferences have nothing to do with it, nor have I ever told You about them. I just feel bad when You come. I feel anxious, so I ask You not to do...
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My daughter who is 18 is going travelling for a year. It’s something she has wanted to do now for the last 2 years but now it’s happening I feel quite sad. I don’t want her to see me crying and I feel...
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I might be going round this guys I'm talking to but don't want my parents to know about him so just wondering what excuse could I make to them?
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I made a similar post yesterday but this is a little different. Last night I was playing a team based game and then got sent a party invite from someone on my team. One was 13 and the other 12. At one...
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When me and my ex split he thought we could still meet up and be on a double date with our replacements it don't feel right to me and don't think guy I'm dating would be happy and he said he don't...

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