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cousin jane
My husband told me 8 month ago he was leaving me for another woman. (He has a long history of cheating). I packed his bags and through him out, unfortunately he refuses to leave as jointly owned...
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I found frequent Google Payment charges on my fiance's account without being able to see what he paid for. They are of small amounts like 2.54, 6,05 etc. but like six or seven in a day.. Could those...
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So I recently found out that a friend of my mum has been having an affair on her husband. Now as a Christian I disagree with cheating of course, however, it became apparent that her partner has been...
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I'm 36 and divorced since last year. For the past couple of months there is this taxi driver who's been driving me to work almost on a daily basis. We enjoy our morning coffee on my way to work and...
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matron 22
Family dynamics have been broken and would like to move out. Problem is dad is 65 and no longer works therefore has no income. What are his options re housing? Do not want to see him homeless
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I is want to learn the language english but I is lives in the eastern China now is not many spoke English words where is I learn ?
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So I really like a guy and we flirted big time on the internet. Last time we saw each other, we almost slept together but didn't. The flirting continued and so we decided to see each other again as I...
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Whenever I hear women (mainly young ones) get asked what they find sexually attractive in men, nearly all of them say a man who is over 6ft tall. As I am not a woman myself, why is it that most women...
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I was talking to this guy named Tom (he works at a store that I shop at) and this other guy named Richard (who works at the same store) saw us talking. Richard was standing in the same aisle further...
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A girl invited me for a drink, does she want friendship or is she interested in me? (I talked to her 2 months ago, but she stopped answering me, and now she answered my story and invited me for a...
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I started a new job about 3 days ago. What we do is go around to different businesses and clean them. Well my supervisor was training me and I saw him wipe down a toilet and use the same rag on the...
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First and formermost, I am just asking a question for my own understanding, so here it goes...Why are states wanting to ban abortions (after 15 weeks)?
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I started working for a cleaning company that has contracts cleaning a lot of office buildings. My supervisor was training me and I watched him clean one of the restrooms. He used a rag to clean the...
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I just got a job at a cleaning company where we have contracts with all sorts of companies and cleaning their buildings. There is a really nice man training me. He takes dwell time with the...
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my partner and i are splitting up. My daughter and soninlaw have offered to buy him out. they would have to take out a second mortgauge, so have asked if i were on Pension credit, whichi will need to...
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I've been on and off dating this guy for 2 years and on and off talking to him or others now I'm trying to get make an effort and get serious with him as he said he was always asking me out so now I'm...
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I just started a job cleaning banks. I realized that with the disinfectants, they don't use dwell time. I feel bad being part of that so im thinking of just quiting. The thing is im a pretty bad job...
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In the UK, my friend is being physically and emotionally abused by their stepfather. It has gone on for a while, and the police are not doing *** because the abuser is good mates with the police at...
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My niece is planning to set up home with her boyfriend. He thinks all bills should be split equally, however he earns more than she does. I say the bills should be split pro rata based on their...

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