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I have been married 10 years. Been together 17 years. I was his 4th wife (cheated on all of his wives and even had a child via an affair who he has nothing to do with). 9 months ago he confessed for...
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I did wrong to my friend, there's atleast 7 people in our friendship group. Me and My friend lets call him Ellijah was joking about a meme when our other friend Micheal sexualised the meme, then our...
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There's this boy I've been talking to for awhile he texted me one day and admitted his feeling he said "he wasn't ready for a relationship but didn't want me to just be a hook up bc he didn't want to...
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I was talking to my voc rehab counselor on the phone earlier. We were talking about a company in town. She said that someone told her not so good things about the owner of the company. She said...
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My girlfriend and her mom have always been close, so my girlfriend was comfortable with her and would shower in front of her, change in front of her, etc. Recently, she's started to realize that this...
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I'm 20 years girl studying engineering 2 year at deemed University. I lost mother at 8th class but my dad took care of me and he didn't marry again. I want to join Brahma Kumari's as I want detach...
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The wife took a very old photo, 1940s probably maybe older.of her father to a high street photo copying shop. It’s a one off. She wanted to get copies to give to her sisters. It’s been professionals...
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So I believe I'm a little because of a lot of my actions and they fit in the lines of age regression. For those who don't know what age regression is, it's when you regress into the mind set of a...
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This girl who is friends with my ex I really got on with her and got nothing against her but I see her put photos of my ex up and I deleted him ages ago and his family but some of his friends have...
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So me and this guy have been good friends for about a year now. We hangout, have a laugh and we really just are great friends. I used to have a little crush on him but I didn’t think he felt the same...
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A man in the mirror hates me for eating his pudding without permission. A word 'sorry' didnt seems to help....
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A couple years ago I was working on this old couples property. An old coworker of mine used to work there. They couldn't do it anymore so I took over. It was stuff like pulling weeds and trimming...
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Hello, please help me. Me and my bf are both 23. We’ve been together for almost 2 years. I’m always a little anxious and get stressed over the slightest things. But I wanted to make sure of this so...
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I live with my mom. A couple months ago we had a brush pile that had been there for about a year. My mom wanted to burn it. I was worried about burning the creatures that may have been living in it....
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3 years ago I worked at a plant farm. During the Christmas season I would cut noble fur so they could make wreaths. I was instructed to dump the excess noble fur out in a field. It turned out to he a...
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Please excuse me I’ve no common sense when it comes to people An old collegue left last November and ive not seen him for a while. He texted now and again asking how I was, I saw him in passing last...
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But he hates me. My dream is to marry him. How do I approach him?...
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r/advice- reddit. I’m very depressed and cannot get myself to study at all. Rn the course I am on is probably barely salvagable but possibly could happen with a few resist over summer but I just want...
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This guy I been on and off dating for 3 years. I keep trying to meet up with him but says he busy or working but he said when he first started talking for first time in ages that I never made an...
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I am 38 years old and just delivered a baby 8 months ago. I also have 9 years old daughter. Few days ago I found I am pregnant again. Is is unplanned accidental pregnancy. I didn't want any more...

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