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Would you be upset or angry if

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tinkerbell23 | 00:37 Fri 08th Jun 2012 | Family Life
44 Answers
Your child decided to go on holiday for christmas or newyear instead of having the usual big family christmas??



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Not if they were a 20something who was building a life of their own.....
I have had it happen to me and no I was not upset in the least.
depends on age of child after all at 18yrs they are are adult although they are still your child.
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I dont think most would. Ive been away for new year but not christmas and thats what got me thinking!

Id LOVE to just do the off actually lol xx
Hope not. One of mine is doing just that, this Christmas. In fact, it sounds such a good idea I might go with her!
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Im 25 beza but im just meaning in general i suppose and not for myself x
why? is that what you're thinking of doing? would'nt bother me if mini-me wanted to do that...
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Chichi im just bored and looked into the holiday app
On my phone for christmas hols- if i had the dosh though and someone to go with id be up for it!

Mum and dad wouldnt be angry. They would miss me im
Sure but would pack me off quite happily xx
Can't you persuade your boyfriend to go with you...?
I'm free.......
don't forget over the christmas period..very expensive..even here, I was going to say in England, forgetting you're in Scotland.
Tink must admit I was gutted Christmas before last when one of my sons announced he would be spending it by the coast with his girlfriend's family.
I put a brave face on it, told him to have a brilliant time, and missed him like hell.
Then cried like a baby when he phoned me to say Happy Christmas, because he was in tears and was wishing he hadn't gone!
You have to let go though, just make sure that its what you want x
yes!! get the boyfriend to pay...shoota on standby....
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Well mabye in a while mark dont want to go all serious but id love too and he dosent do christmas!!!!!

Yeah slinky you miss them im sure id miss my family too but it would b soooo good to be chilling in sun and its not mega expensive honest! Dearer yes but not overley depending on where xx
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Ps shoota lets book lol ;0> x
you do don't you and say yes off you go, all the time hurting,
but part of being a parent. x
Isn't it just chi-chi, thats what parents are for, to bring their children up to be confident enough to leave the nest and make their own way in the world, no matter how much you will miss them :)
Not forgetting that sometimes they will boomerang back, just as you think that they are successfully launched!
My youngest is moving out this year and has told me he will be spending xmas just the two of them, at5 the moment I dont mind at all but Im sure xmas day it will be a different story, lots of tears... esp as we will have mum in law instead!!!! Im bah humbug at xmas anyway dont like it and would love to fly off somewhere hot!
Neither (had I a child that is). A little sad that the tradition of families getting together didn't hold much value for them, but that's life these days. Everyone does their own thing and families take a back seat.

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