I lost count of the amount of jumpers, PE kits etc that I lost while at school, simple mistakes while geting changed, putting things down at break times to play football or something and forgetting to pick them up, childish pranks that go too far because the instigator may not realise the extent of trouble (like most kids). I, like most of my friends, would get into trouble with my parents for losing things and so would create little stories to explain their disappearance like "it got stolen". No parents want to admit it but children do make things up to divert blame away from themselves. If the things were "stolen" at school the child will know who takes it as that is the way the playground politics works.
It winds me up something chronic nowadays that every little altercation or trick or prank that goes wrong or any sort of playground banter is automatically classed as bullying. it encourages more people to falsely claim they are being bullied when getting into trouble and takes the attention of those who are genuinely being abused. I was seriously bullied in the early years of comprehensive school, beaten up with alarming regularity and had all sorts of disgusting things done to me and I'm sorry but this just isn't in the same league.
It's highly amusing to me that you call me a weak muppet but thats ok because I personally think you are a self important know it all who instead of encouraging their children to make a stand, face and overcome their problems and adversaries with your support you pull them out of school blaming anyone and everyone for anything you don't like that happens in their lives.
Great "life education" that is isn't it!!! Things get tough, don't worry we'll leave the bad people and go and play on our own!
Who needs to grow up?!!!!