News1 min ago
Hello all, just wondering if any women have carried differently with their pregnancies. I am on my third pregnancy and am carrying the same way I did with my first child (a boy), I carried differently...
Has anyone had this? Just been told by the doc this morning that he'll send me for blood tests and then he talked about lap and dye procedure too. I had no idea it involved day surgery and now I'm...
other than being told by the GP that i'm slightly anaemic, everything seems to be going very well. Waiting for further blood test results and hope then to have some iron tablets. This will hopefully...
Not really a question, but I havnt been on here for a while, I discovered BC so I seem to be on there, but I keep having a peek to see how AB is getting on too. My bump is growing now, only a little...
How are all you pregnant ladies? I need to have a moan please.... My hips ache. I'm sooo tired as I'm having to wake up ever time I turn over in the night cos I'm so bl@@dy huge. I need scaffolding...
All went ok today, mini jb lazy like it's mum but put a performance on when we prodded! Thank you for all the support I've received from friends on here, I'm getting there!!
My period is next due on 14 August but I have taken 2 pregnancy tests today, both have come up positive straight away. How reliable is this given I have yet to miss my period? My friend says not to...
* i posted a question earlier, but had some of the info not all there* I am 29 weeks pregnant, my due date is October 10, 2010. My last menstral period was Jan 6-Jan 10. i went to the doctor on Feb....
Hiya. My sister is 18wks pregnant with her 2nd child. Last week she when for a 4d scan and found out she was having a boy, and everything was fine. Yesterday she started worrying that she hasnt felt...
At school I am taking part in the Extended Project Qualification and I have chosen to look into surrogacy so any opinions or views would be very helpful. Thank you.
Hi, i am 22 weeks pregnant and am starting to think i'd better strat getting some things :) for those of you who have had babies, what things were very useful? What things did you buy that never saw...
If you've had an Amniocentesis Test, how long after the test did you return back to work?
hi was just lookin for some advice im 34 weeks pregnant and have been suffering from back pain that came on very suddenly been moving around to see if i can shift it and taken pain killers with no...
At school I am taking part in the Extended Project Qualification and I have chosen to look into surrogacy so any opinions or views would be very helpful. Thank you.
hi my partner has just found out she is pregnant (4 weeks) she is high risk as she has severe endrometriosis and 2 miscarriages in past, she told her employer yesterday she was pregnant as she...
How should this feel? Should it be so bad that I cant leave the bathroom, or would it just be queasiness that can be easily dealt with? Also, when should it start? I understand that not everyone will...
My 2year old daughter is suffering from the above, again! I'm 30 weeks Pregnant and have read that it's not good for pregnant women, but the websites didn't say which trimester it was dangerous in -...