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Has anyone joined any forums elsewhere that discuss pregancy and childbirth issues? I have and have found it all been very useful.
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hi i'm 28 week pregnant with my second, and cant for the life of me remember when i had my hospital bag packed and ready, i know its too early now but just wanted to get some peoples opinions, also...
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Hi Had my wee girl 18 weeks ago and my hair is falling out... a lot I'm finding it everywhere. Its making a fine layer over all carpets, having to clean the hoover head once a week because my hair has...
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my midwife was not woring today so i had my appointment with another lady, she felt my tummy and said have you had a groth scan which i have not, she said she is conserned about the size of my baby...
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I'm now 40+ weeks (due last thurs). Keep getting hopeful as my Braxton HIcks have been quite intense and regular a times over the last week. Quite a lot of twinges in the pevlic floor area too. Have...
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im just about 17 weeks and i dont feel any movement what so ever! i know its only early days, but most of the sickness and tiredness has gone and i dont feel pregnant anymore :o( i dont even really...
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i am 29 weeks pregnant and started to get a slight discomfort around my pubic bone, just when i walk and get up from sitting, it is not painfull to touch and on a scale 1-10 the pain is about 1-2 (not...
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I recently posted a question asking what i could do with my work not paying me the correct ssp rate, im 32 weeks pregnant and have been very ill through out my pregnancy in hospital 3times for 5 days...
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i have had to have time off during my pregnancy. i have given in sick notes from my doctor can anyone tell me if i get paid statutory sick pay??? as i have read somewhere that if you are pregnant you...
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hello, just wondered if anyone could answer my question, right im working full time and have a 7 year old, i earn too much to get working tax credit but i get child tax credit, they also help towards...
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Hi All, I was due to start my 2nd period following a miscarriage in August - no sign yet so..... I have just not been able to hold back any longer and have just done a test!! I've done a Boots one...
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Hi guys, thanks for your great support over the last 9 months, Had a fab baby boy on Wednesday. 7lb 14. Theo Logan......
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I am 35 weeks prengant and have a stinking cold. Not much I can do about this, I know... But was wondering if my baby has a cold too and is feeling rubbish as me?
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All I seem to do is ask questions to see whether I might finally be pregnant! Tonight, I noticed some odd brown patches just above my areolas, which have never been there before. It's not dirt cos I...
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me and my partner are trying for a baby, i came off the pill on the 19th sept, i was due on 19th octomber, had had period pains and sore boobs (which i dont normanly get) headaches etc!! i did a test...
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my friend was married 10 years had an hystrectomy at 23 never really wanted kids shes now been divorced 2 yeasrs is 34 and would love to adopt a child an older one between 5 and 10 what do you think...
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hello just as the sickness fades, i have cough and cold, i hope poor baby cant feel my pain!!! has/does anyone else have a cold? anything we pregnant girls can take to ease the aches and pains???????...
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I am 30weeks, for the past 2 nights my baby feels seriously low down and she seems to be pushing down as hard as she can, it actully feels like she trying to push out it really really hurts so much my...
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i am a little scared and i have a few questions. (HISTORY:when i was 17 i had my right tube and ovary removed) this April (2008) i had an ectopic pregnancy in my left to which was removed by surgery,...
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i am severly anaemic and was prescribed tablets i cannot take these as they are making me very ill. i keep fainting several times a day and generally feel very ill. what happens if i do not take...

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