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I have had and read so many conflicting things about this. I thought it was 14 days, give or take a coupla days into the cycle but does that mean 14 days after the last period has stopped or after the...
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Hi all, i've been quiet I know - I just don't get much chance during the day to get on the computer. Isobel is coming up to 11 weeks old and we've been enjoying the time we've had together so far but...
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Im 4 weeks pregnant, but but suffering period pains backache and sharp stabbing pains. Went up maternity unit yesterday but the wouldnt help me. Just said youv probably mc, now i dont know wat to do...
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hi :d we have been tryin for a baby for abt a yr now. i was due on 2nd june,but nothin has happened as of yet. we have done 4 pregnancy test but all are neg. could i still be preg ??? kaz x
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For depression. im goin this afternoon and i went last week and the week before. i don't know how they see it though if your pregnant. Because you cant have anti depressants. Am i making a mistake...
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hi all, i'm 40 in a few days and still cant make my mind up if i sholud try again to have a baby or not, as i lost one a few months ago, and just wondered at what age do people think women should stop...
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my sil has been havin contractions since 5 last night, they have been 5min apart all day and she is in alot of pain, the hospital said they cant admit her cause no beds and to ring them again when her...
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Hi everyone, just wondering the above and how early you started having symptoms of pregnancy if at all. It is nearly 5 years since I was last pregnant and I found out at 8 weeks and had no symptoms at...
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Hi I'm 41 weeks preggers. If the baby doesn't arrive naturally over the next few days I'll be induced on Sunday. Heres my dilema now.... I live in Shetland and my flat in Fife has just been sold and...
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I'm (finally) in my 12th week this week (yay) and I've had really awful hayfever over the last week and, of course, you cant take over the counter stuff for it. Has anyone been to the docs for...
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HELLO? I started my last menstrual period on 12th may and ended on 16th may 2008. i can clearly remember when i made love with my husband ie 21st,24th and 25th same month.I had +ve pregnacy test...
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hi, im having a paranoid few days for sum reason?? im20 weeks preg 2mora and have started worrying about giving birth, more so than i was the first time around. I think i had it quite easy wiv my...
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Not really a question just a moan and an update! Nancy is one week old today! She's lovely and eats and sleeps really well, she's lost a little weight and hated having her heel prick test this morning...
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I just started working here ( at a solicitors) last month, anout exactly a month ago. Im nearly 15 weeks preegnant. Im absolutley hating it here. I really am. Im due on the 12th december. If i left...
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What would happen if a baby didn't come on it's due date and the mother was never induced? Would there be health repercussions for both mother and child?
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Thanks everyone for yor advice and support esp Red for the contraction timer! I went to the hospital at 9 on tuesday night, 13 hours after my 1st contraction and was pleased to be told I was already...
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When I had my first child my placenta had to be surgically removed as it didn't come out naturally. I have since heard rumours that when having a baby again I would need to have a c-section. Does...
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I am so excited so please bare with me! My hubby has at last agreed we should have another child so I have a few questions for you all. 1 - How long did it take for you to fall on? 2 - What is the age...
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how soon after conception would it count as a miscarriage? can i be a week?
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How to you calculate your due date and how many weeks gone you are if you have PCOS and have a cycle of between 28 - 116 days?

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