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Can This Be True?

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newmodarmy | 14:49 Wed 03rd Jul 2024 | News
31 Answers

Couple with 5 children. Husband earns £50k pa. She gets £12K pa Universal Credit (I'd love to know why), Presumably child benefit too?

Yet they need to rely on 'buy now pay later' schemes to afford to feed their kids?

"Laura says something needs to be done about the costs-of-living crisis which is still hurting families "every bit as badly". She said: "Kids need to be fed and the older generation is also struggling. People need to be helped out much more by the government."



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It's beyond me how they can't manage. Huge mortgage? Car repayments?

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I doubt it's a huge mortgage in Huddersfield. They've also had to max out on their credit cards.

sounds like a load of old pony. I can only assume they have a lot of outgoings. It should be possible to live on £122k per year.

sorry misread, the old man gets 50k and they get 12k in benefits. I thought the 62k was her salary! Anyway same answer should be able to live on that.

Just had a quick look at properties for sale in Huddersfield and there are some lovely properties in the £800k+ bracket.

It's not all whippets, flat caps and pigeons


all the kids have latest iPhone

and phone line subscriptions

and sky tv

and speedy broadband

and netflix xbox playstation subs


and they're in the pub




16:04, looxury!

and they had carrots

If only they'd considered contraception earlier on, or at least found a less physical hobby.

How is she entitled to UC when her husband earns 50k?

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^Something to do with the children I assume, but with such payments where's the incentive to work?

This is an example of  why the Benefits system needs a complete overhaul. 

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^ a major reform will never happen- slight tinkering, a few extra benefits may be made available but it's  very difficult to ever take away or  reduce benefits as there's always uproar 

We don't have enough information to know if this family is getting the right amount of money or what their housing costs are.

I used to understand the benefit system but it has been some years since I had any dealings with it.


They're getting nearly double the UK average salary between them, and whilst there will be some reasonably expensive houses in Huddersfield, the average is £200k, so if they can't live off their money something must be amiss. I know people who earn less than them as a household and who live fairly comfortably. Perhaps they should have thought a bit more before popping out 5 kids. Who the hell needs 5 kids.

I’m surprised at the lack of sympathy for this couple; after they have sent one of the five children to private school (at around £35k), all seven of them will be living on less than £27k p.a. before tax is deducted.


...and as all ABers know, it’s not just rich people who send their children to private schools – I feel sorry for the four children in State education.

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^ pure stupidity.

Private education doesn't necessarily mean a better education.

The private education is the story below.  This woman home schools her 5 kids.

"Private education doesn't necessarily mean a better education."

No, not necessarily. But almost always. Parents don't usually pay for something that isn't worth the money.

However, we digress  😏

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