Hi everyone! Im 19 wks at the mo with my first baby and I havent seen my midwife since about 8 wks is this normal? I've had a scan at 12wks and blood tests so its not like I haven't been seen at all! I just don't know when or how often I'm meant to see the MW?!
you should be due another scan (at 20wks) which is more detailed, generally you dont see the midwife as regularily until you get to around 30 + weeks, then you see her much more often, why not ask when at your scan!?
This is perfectly normal these days. I am 33 weeks pregnant and had my booking in appointment at 8 weeks then didnt see a midwife again til I was 16 weeks. In total I have only seen her 5 times including the booking in appointment, and I only got to see her this week because I phoned and insisted on seeing someone sooner than my next appointment!
As cazzz has said, you will see her more regulary from 30 weeks, it should be every two weeks then you see her once a week from about 36 weeks.
Hi K8, I am 28 weeks and have only seen my midwife three times, at 12, 15 and 28 weeks. I also had a 12 and 20 week scan, and two GP appts - the first that I made when I first found out I was pregnant and the second at 23 weeks.
Your midwife should have booked your next appointment when you last see her, has she not done this?If not, contact her saying you want to see her and in future, make sure she sets your next appointment up every time you see her.