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lellibet | 13:40 Wed 08th Dec 2010 | Pregnancy
94 Answers
I have just had the misfortune to find myself pregnat at 50.
I thought I was going my menopause for the last 3 years.
Been taking natural supplements an everything to help with the sweats and all that.
Was even using condoms..
I just didn't think it possible.

Anyone else ever gone through this?



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at least you felt those kicks and sought advice. Many women dont feel kicks that early or if they do, just put them down to wind
go ahea, lellibet, nothing to feel guilty about (though it may be you won't feel great afterward either and maybe you should mentally prepared for this). Best wishes.
anneasquith, lellibet is free to post under any name she wishes.
Is the worry of an abnormal baby the main thing colouring your decision, because there is a vast array of tests in utero that can be done to determine a lot of problems and if you've just had a scan at 4+ months then a lot of 'deformities' would have shown up then. My ex is now 43 and has just had a miscarriage with her new partner's baby so we were talking about the health screenings at over 40 just the other day.
Gosh what a shock for you! I'd have the same concerns in your position. I'm glad you have things sorted hope all goes well for you.
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I did mentioned before thankfully In a week and a half or so I'll be in a different place!
jno.............where did i say she wasnt. stop jumping to conclusions.
once again lellibet, hope everything goes well for you.

What a heartbreaking decision to make, i certainly don't envy you.

If you're up to it, keep us informed :-)
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lellibet was asked a simple question, and it was her decision to reply or not, dont put words into my answer to the question is. im sorry you find yourself in this very difficult position.
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I'm not trying to find excuses not to have this child, basically I messed up somewhere along the way and I really needed to let it out. And no i havent' posted anything ever but I do love AB
I don't think you messed up at all, I doubt many ladies who are 50 would assume they would get pregnant- and apologies I too thought you had already had the scan.
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Thanks all of you xxx
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i read it as "bypassed BY having a scan on friday"

sorry, pinkilady

lellibet, Im hoping that things arent too far along for you. full on kicks in the ribs may suggest otherwise though :(
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I think my wife felt her first kicks around 16 weeks or so with our kids, so it does suggest that the poster is quite advanced.

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