How long does it usually take from receipt of the application for the first check to be paid in?
I applied at the end of January-got my birth certificate back a week later....have not heard anything since.
Any ideas?
Well,well,well...I just phoned them.
The first advisor told me I may not be paid til June...;-(( ! This due to when payments are sent out in blocks....arrghh
She then connected me to head office-who then told me I'll be paid this Wednesday...result!
...or will be when I see it in the bank....does this mean that every payment from now on will be April?
It is not means-tested (yet) but it is age-related on a graduated scale. If you care to tell me when you reached the age of 60 I may be able to tell you when you are entitled to receive it.
No it's not means tested. It gets paid in the early winter, before Christmas. Very useful for Christmas celebrations for some. It is automatically paid into your bank account. If there is more than one person due to get it you will only get half each. If one person you will get the whole amount. I will go and have a look to see how much I got last year, watch this space - I will return!!!
you should have been paid in about March I think! OH applied for the first time in Jan and was paid in March!............depends when you were 60 though!....I'd ring them!...........
Thanks peeps. I'm not 60....I am wondering if my father and mother-in-law know about this allowance....they are both in their 70's and often have a little bit of a moan that they don't qualify for any benefits.
I would have expected the "Givernment" to have passed you over their cheque by now, pasta......a call perhaps from "Pasta Cameron," DC's long lost Aunt?
Mrs. Chappie they should be getting this!............they need to apply for it in the first instance, and then they will receive it every year thereafter!............
You need to apply the first time round, if you are under 65. The changes to entitlement introduced by Gordon Brown means that the qualifying age gradually moves from 60 to 65 on a month by month basis. This applies also to bus passes and free prescriptions. I have heard that this year the amount will be reduced from £250 to £200, and in future years it will reach a point when you get the free loan of a bogie and a young boy so that you can go and pick slack from the nearest *** heap.