How long does it usually take from receipt of the application for the first check to be paid in?
I applied at the end of January-got my birth certificate back a week later....have not heard anything since.
Any ideas?
Right - here I am again - there is only me in the house so I got the whole amount. It was paid on the 25th November and I got £400. I am over 80 so I have a feeling it might be a little bit extra. Unfortunately I didn't take much notice of how or where as I gratefully accept whatever I get and think I am lucky to get that. You should also get a very small payment of £10 which is supposed to help you at Christmas. Again grateful for small mercies although £10 won't buy very much nowadays.
Thanks welsh. I'm mention it to them. I'm sure they'll be chuffed to receive it, but they're not short of cash so if it WAS means-tested, they wouldn't qualify.
I believe the DWP sends out a letter when someone reaches 60. I was sent one but it was to the wrong address. I didn't need the fuel allowance at the time-3 years ago-so had to apply this time.
IT IS DEFINITELY NOT MEANS TESTED. Sorry to shout but I sometimes get ignored when I am giving advice.
Mike I used that word properly and had three little stars instead - and I don't normally swear.
Until this year-the amount was £250 for 60 to 75 or 80 year olds,and £400 as star says.
It's to be reduced this year to £200 and £300 respectively.....while the utility companies are trying to strangle us.
Sorry Star, It was I who used the word in my post in its less than rude sense ( s l a g heap, a common sight when I was young and we had a thriving coal industry), so was somewhat surprised to see it censored.
Sorry Starbo. I did take on board your comment about it not being means-tested....what was actually going through my mind was that the government are making lots of cuts, and if they decide to change the rules and means-test this particular benefit, my rellies definitely won't qualify.
It might well be that they already receive it but don't bother to mention it. I think they just enjoy having a bit of a moan now and then (and don't we all?) :o)
Father-in-law lives with us and he is in his 90's and used to get £400. When hubby reached 60 he got £100 and dad got £300. I then reached 60 and I got £100 so dad only got £200. He thinks he's being robbed but as we pay all the bills and he is at home all day with the heating on then that's fine by me. We never saw a penny of the £400.