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I won't sleep tonight

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granny grump | 00:07 Fri 20th Jan 2012 | Family & Relationships
48 Answers
Just had a bombshell phone call .My niece had a kidney donated by my brother her dad about 5 years ago but the kidney has been failing over the last few months and she was due to go back on dialysis. Call was to say that a pancreas and kidney had become available and she has gone into hospital and we should know something tomorow morning. I won't sleep a wink tonight

She has been through so much and had a little girl last year who is absolutely beautiful.


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lovely idea from Nini there!..........would try that! wishes.................x
I wish her all the best. <3
Been there GG so know just how you feel. Will be thinking of your family. All good wishes.x
gg, i hope all goes well for your niece.
any news GG? Hope all went well.x
Let us know, granny, as and when you can x
Ah that's good news GG, I hope all goes well. It will be so much better for her than having to go through dialysis - especially with a wee one at home. xx
Good luck
Any news yet? Hope all is going well.
Hope everything goes well Granny Grump xxx
Thinking of you. XXX
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Sorry for the delay in getting back have not been on laptop since my last post - thank you all for your tips and good wishes.
Op has gone ahead although they weren't sure that they would be able to transplant the pancreas but in the end they did. She had to go back into theatre due to excessive bleeeding but that seems to have settled down and she is back on the ward and is awake. I haven't beeen able to speak to her yet but that is only to be expected and her mum is in contact with all the family. We are a large family and they are all 'down south' I'm the only one 'up north' so only telephone calls until she is up to visitors.

When you said that you had experience gness - have you had the op or was it a family member and how did it go?

Thank you all again you are so thoughtful
i'm so glad you posted - i've been thinking about you
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Thank you bednobs - that means a lot
Good news GG - hope the wee lass continues to improve.
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thank you maggiebee - she is a very strong minded girl and I am sure that that will help her
I hope all goes well GG, she is in my prayers. xxxx
Thinking of you and your niece, granny - fingers crossed that all is well x
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thankyou vodkancoke & boxtops your kind thoughts are appreciated
Positive thinking is the thing granny. I hope everything goes on well, and I am sure it will.

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I won't sleep tonight

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