Just had a bombshell phone call .My niece had a kidney donated by my brother her dad about 5 years ago but the kidney has been failing over the last few months and she was due to go back on dialysis. Call was to say that a pancreas and kidney had become available and she has gone into hospital and we should know something tomorow morning. I won't sleep a wink tonight
She has been through so much and had a little girl last year who is absolutely beautiful.
I do hope everything goes well for her, I'm sure it will and aren't we lucky to be living in 2012. My nephew too (46) will be having exactly the same op soon & he's so exited about it. He's had a time of it too gg. I'll include your niece in my prayers.
Also praying for her safe recovery - its a fantastic opportunity for her to lead a normal life, made by a very caring family in their own grief. Sweet dreams grannygrump, keep positive :)
do what carlton says re warm milk, hot water bottle etc, and take pen & paper to bed with you and write her a letter about how your feeling, how you can't sleep, how much she means to you, how you are really worried and excited etc - and you can give it to read when the time is right. it may just help you to get all your emotions down on paper and sleep will come your way.... best of luck with everything x