boo - people have issues with self/image/confidence and that can form part of severe and enduring mental health problems. for example - i have psychotic depression and am extremely paranoid and anxious when out and about, and especially around other people if i am somewhere unfamiliar and around people i don't know. if i had to wear a dress (i am overweight, have acne on my body that is visible when wearing any kind of top/dress/blouse other than a long sleeve polo neck - and it is severe acne, btw) with all that other *** on top, i would either pass out after hyperventilating and panicking, flatly refuse to go or run a mile. my clothes are extremely hard to find - ones that i feel comfortable in, anyway, and help form a barrier between myself and all the other things going on around me that yes, cause stress and distress. i couldn't think of anything worse than everybody seeing my acne - the one thing that i feel ashamed of, absolutely ugly as a result of, and that is just not supposed to exist in our perfect society. you may say that this is all my problem - and you are right.....but it is ME that has to go places and be 'happy' and 'celebrate'.....when in actual fact, there is very little in my life that fits into my definition of that. for example, when celebrating my mother's 60th birthday, my parents did not have a huge 'thing' and we went somewhere familiar (a nice local pub), with a table hidden away in a corner - because they wanted me there. they love me enough to negotiate and compromise (i still feel guilty, though) and while my mum had a great time (and i enjoyed it too) she made it clear to me that she preferred what we did so that she could have me there with her, and that all the other frivolous rubbish involved in huge parties (e.g. the cost, inviting relatives that *** her off, hiring some hall or other, preparing for it etc.) actually is not important or what family and celebrating is about. it is about everybody being happy......not just one person. if the daughter does not do dresses, then it is unreasonable of the parent to expect her to do it. if she was arguing about the colour or style, maybe that would be different. but mum is asking her to do something that is not acceptable to her very being. she either needs to accept the wearing of trousers/suit, or for her not to be a bridesmaid. i just don't get that by not being a bridesmaid constitutes a mortal sin by the daughter, or something that parental love becomes conditional over......nobody is a good parent, imho, if they fall out with their child over either wearing a dress or being a bridesmaid. it is just not that important.......other things in life are.