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Am I Too Protective

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bl08791 | 15:13 Mon 09th Nov 2015 | Family & Relationships
9 Answers
as many have seen i have a little sister who is really the joy of my life. is it wrong knowing she has really noone to turn to im extreamly protective and really worry about her? our dad is not most involved and our mother is dead. i really would do anything i can for her, is that a bad thing? i feel almost more like a parent then a brother because i help her remember to take her meds, help her when she is scared, ask her about school and give advice when needed. is this wrong of me?


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I protected my younger brother during some rough times.... we all need someone to go to when we have problems.... sometimes a trustworthy person is hard to find... try not to get over protective we have to explore our world to grow..and we all make mistakes and then it is great if someone is there to pick us up.
15:24 Mon 09th Nov 2015
People on this site are generally very friendly and helpful, but you have asked so many questions it's difficult to know where to start! Maybe you should decide which is the one issue which concerns you most and get help with that?
No, that's what families do. I've always been very protected.
I protected my younger brother during some rough times.... we all need someone to go to when we have problems.... sometimes a trustworthy person is hard to find... try not to get over protective we have to explore our world to grow..and we all make mistakes and then it is great if someone is there to pick us up.
We need the full story here.You are asking different questions all over the place.
Where is you sister living and who with? Where do you live? Could it be possible for you to move in with your sister?
No it is not wrong of you. It is a very commendable thing to do.

However if your dad isn't, for whatever reason' able to help in the care of both you and your sister more that you speak to someone who can support you more.

I don't know how old you are but is there someone at school or a club you belong to that you could talk to? You may need emotional or practical support as well.
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i am 24..........and he supports her financially........just not emotionally.....
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i am in college in a different state, she during the week stays at different houses. as our father travels a lot. i cant move in with her as me and my dad do not get a long and i am in college

Are you in the UK bl08791?
A couple of things you have said make me think you are not.
Depending on where you are the Rules may be different.
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no i am not, i am in usa.

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Am I Too Protective

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